Saw Madeline Albright on Hannity and Combs. She hasn't improved any. She's still the second ugliest female in the United States. Who's first? C'mon everybody knows it's Janet Reno. Anyway, she seems to support kerry. Even though she knows that he has done flip-flops on every campaign issue and numerous other issues that are not yet campaign related.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, President Bush's lead keeps getting stronger and stronger. As a result, the panicky dumocraps are slinging more and more mud. When the investigation into the fraudulent "documents" is complete, I'm pretty sure we'll find that at least some of the kerry kampaigners were in collusion with the perps. At the very leasdt , it should be the end of dan blathers career. If you are wondering why this campaign is getting more and more muddy, at least on the left wing loser side, it is because they are well aware that they have nominated a total idiot.
Just a few short weeks and we won't have to listen to the inane cacaphony from the left.
We're still searching for real estate outside kalifornia. We are considering properties as far away as Guam. The other possibilities are Washington State, Nevada, Wyoming and Alaska. These are places where we'd be comfortable and they have no state income tax.