Saturday, April 16, 2005

It goes on and on

Since my last blog less than a week ago, two more little girls have been found raped and murdered. These atrocities can be laid squarely at the dorrs of the ACLU and liberal, activist courts. The hand-wringing over what is to be done has started. You can bet your ass that the ACLU will fight any kind of sentencing reform that is voted on. There are several good solutions that could be implemented. First, ban the ACLU. Throw all of its officers in jail with the animals they have helped create. Second, recall the liberal judges who make truly stupid decisions regarding the handling of these sub-human animals. Third, fire all prosecutors who fail to prosecute. Last, but not least, change the sentencing guidelines. I have included a list of MINIMUM sentences for these animals:
1. For rape and murder, Death within one month of a guilty verdict. No exceptions.
2. For sex crimes against children, a minimum of 20 years without parole, Immediate castration and removal of the offending penis, Required to wear a location collar for life. Mandatory frontal lobotomy. A tatoo on the forehead identifying the animal. Cannot live within 2 miles of where children play, live or go to school. Death for a second offense within one month of a guilty verdict. Gee, does that sound a little harsh? Tough!!! Make these kinds of crimes really distasteful to the animals. I believe that when a man yanks it out in front of children, he automatically gives up all his Constitutional rights. He doesn't deserve them. He is, after all, sub-human. A monster. A low beast. Akin to a rabid dog.

Wow, it was 85 today with more of the same in the near forecast. If it will stay like this for a week, I will venture forth to the old fishin' hole. I didn't go all last year, the first year I've missed since the late sixties. My buddy on the east coast has spent most of the last couple of weeks in Pennsylvania. It is nasty, cold and the wind is blowing in North Carolina, so he hasn't gone fishing yet either.

The recipe for the day is: Charred Steak
Make a fire.
Get a steak.
Throw the steak in the fire.
Let it burn for 30 minutes or so.
Remove it from the fire and try to eat it.

The Delano weather report is: Warming up. Out of the 'it sucks' region, but not quite to the 'good' region.