Monday, February 14, 2005


It looks like the dumocraps have finally blown themselves out of seriouis political consideration. As usual, they demonstrated their total ineptitude as marksmen. This time, they took dead aim at their foot and shot themselves squarely in the ass. Howard Dean???? You remember him. The amazing exploding politician. Went completely berserk in Iowa last year. Now he's head of the dnc. Look at the all-star cast behind him: Kennedy, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Clinton and numerous other far left idiots. I wonder if they are too stupid too realize that they have now relegated themselves to what will probably be a big, fat #3 position nationally. The only question is, who will step into the #2 slot? My guess is that it will be the libertarians. At least the libertarians offer a viable alternative. The dumocraps have now scuttled their rusty old bucket. It is sinking fast. hahahahaha Maybe now we can get some reasonable federal judges.

It is now Valentine's day. I wonder if any of those secular dwarfs are celebrating. They should know that the full name of the semi-holiday is "St. Valentine's Day". When they understand the Christian nature of the day, will they take back they candy, flowers and jewelry, or will they show the true hypocritical nature of their evil little psyches? I almost escaped Valentine's day by pleading sick. Now, however, I am committed to taking her to the coast for dinner next week. I don't know why I keep trying when I know there is no way to win. Just stupid, I guess.
Summer is coming.
And now for the Delano weather report: It sucks.

Hearts and Flowers

Well, here it is. Valentines day. Women revere it, men despise it. Women love it because they think it is romantic. Men don't like it because it gives the lady surgeons another chance to perform a cashectomy on us. Candy (get fat). Flowers (don't last, probably poisonous). Jewelry (useless, expensive bobbles). Ugh!!! Please believe my sincerity when I say, "BAH, HUMBUG".

The last game of the football season has come and gone. (pro bowl) Now there will be a long, boring intermission until next season. It looks like the steroid scandal is going to hit about 80% of the baseball players. What a bunch of idiots. Take the dope, muscle up, get big bucks, die before you can spend it. Morons. Did you notice anything missing this year? I thought not. They cancelled the entire hockey season! For the first time ever, the hockey players will get to summer time with the same amount of teeth that they had last year. Ho Hum.

All those erectile disfunction drugs, viagra, cialis, etc. say that if you get an erection that lasts more than four hours you should call a doctor. I think I would call Hugh Hefner. Four hours? WOW!!!

And finally, the Delano weather report: It sucks.