Another criminal maniac has gone off the deep end, killed two people and raped a teenage girl. This is a guy they had in jail and released early. I believe that jail for all these guys is a colossal waste of time and money. When they get one of these nuts, they should just go ahead and shoot the criminal asshole. It really doesn't matter if they are mentally competent or not. The insanity plea should be struck from the books. The only way to cure career criminals is with a 38 caliber pill. It can't be as costly as they claim it is to string one of these morons up. The thing that costs the money is the years and years full of appeals and paying appeals shysters to try to skirt the law and get these animals off with a lighter sentence or a new trial. There should be a brief trial followed by maybe one appeal and then, BANG!!! Murderers and child rapists shoould get the same treatment. Stop dicking around with these monsters. Plant 'em and forget 'em.
At last, after years of ignoring the southern border, the army is being deployed to the area. The Mexican government is displeased, but so what? They couldn't possibly hurt us any more than they already have by encouraging illegal immigration. I think the best solution to the Mexican problem is to attack Mexico, colonize it, declare martial law and totally destroy the immigration problem. It is obvious that the Mexican government has no idea about providing jobs for their people. A few U.S. firms, you know, the ones the hippies hate, could start farming and manufacturing in what is now Mexico. We could arrest all the federalies and politicians, assuming they are all guilty of something. Let the military courts sort 'em out. In a decade or two, we would have a lot better grip on the transient problem. However, as long as the current situation prevails, anyone caught illegally entering the United States should be treated as a federal felon, jailed and prosecuted. Since deporting them seems to do no good, prison camps in the desert seems to be a great solution.
Tiger strikes again!! Yes folks, just as the anti-Woods clowns were trying to proclaim him a thing of the past, El Tigre has risen to capture his fourth green jacket at Augusta. Now that he seems to have his swing back, the rest of the PGA must once again watch it. I predict he'll leave a bright burning trail through the rest of the golf season.
And now, your new recipe isPlanked carp.
Catch a carp
Strap it to a cedar plank and roast over open fire.
Remove from heat
Throw carp away, eat plank.
I am hopeful that it will continue to warm up. We had one day of spring about a week ago. Then, winter set in again. Now it is warming up slowly. If you get a chance to talk to one of those 'global warming' buffoons, punch him in the suck. I had actually turned my funace off, when suddenly, I was freezing my kabip off. Had to turn it back on. boooo. The Delano weather still sucks.
Monday, April 11, 2005
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