Wednesday, September 29, 2004

And now a few words about the ACLU. How the hell did we ever let a gang of communist shysters hijack our justice system? These guys have every government in the U.S. scared to death of lawsuits that could make them pay vast amounts of money. What for? Well, anything that the American Communist Lawyers Union (oops, was that Civil liberties?.....nope, right the first time) identifies as a likely target. If you believe that the aclu has your best interest at heart, you are sadly deluded. They are, in fact, trying to overturn our entire way of life. How do they get away with it? Well, we've got a group of gutless, left wing judges who allow themselves to fall into the liberal trap. This evil trend started with Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren and continues to this day. How do we stop it? Ask your attorney if he/she is a member of the aclu. If their answer is "yes" you reply, "you're fired." Let them know why. I will guarantee that if we start hitting the aclu members in their avaricious deep pockets, they will desert the aclu like rats from a sinking ship. We are now at a turning point in American history. We can either let the wishes of the majority prevail or we can bow to every rag-tag group of dissidents that can stumble into a courtroom.

I guess you have heard that Congress is, even as we speak, designing a law to saddle us with national I.D. cards. This is the most anti-American legislation to come out of the 9/11 commission. Both the House and the Senate are trying to rush this crap through before the end of the current session. Contact your Senator. Contact your congressman. Don't let them get away with this atrocity.

Burt Rutan has done it again!! Congratulations on the first ever civilian space flight. Soon, it will be a commercial enterprise. Kudos!!