Thursday, December 16, 2004


There is an entity on this earth that is the most dangerous in the history of the world. It threatens our way of life and maybe our very existence. Is it the commies? Is it the muslims? Is it the red chinese? NONONO. It is the ACLU. They are the greatest evil ever faced by our country. They have burrowed their way into the very fabric of American society. They have taken over our courts. They hold every city, county and state hostage to their anti-American agenda. Is there a way to stop them? Sure. Ask your lawyer if he/she is a member of the ACLU. If the answer is "yes", get another lawyer. That's right, fire the SOB. Lawyers don't understand much outside of the mumbo-jumbo they call "juris prudence", but they understand money. There are 300,000 members of the ACLU. Dry up their funds and you dry up the nonsense they have wrought upon us. It really is the American Communist Lawyer's Union, you know. They have taken up the cause of the secularists. 30 years ago if these clowns had tried what they are doing today, they would have been lynched. 30 years of steady erosion of morals has given them an agenda to change our history, our society, the fiber of Americanism. I am not going to preach about the rightness or wrongness of any religion. I don't feel it is my job to make such judgements. I will, however, identify the evils that are lurking in our world and try to come up with viable solutions. The ACLU must be stopped. One way or another.

Sad to say, we are drifting into the end of the football season. I just don't feel right when I can't watch football. Maybe they should start a summer league. That way, we'd have about two weeks off in the spring and two weeks off in late summer. It would give us some time to get reacquainted with our wives and children. But not too much time. I keep getting these bad feelings about basketball and baseball. They seem to be populated with drug abusers and criminals. I'm not claiming that the NFL isn't. I just don't think that, on a percentage basis, these traits are as pervasive.

And now for my weather observation. It sucks.

Oh well