Friday, December 03, 2004

One good whine...

I got a couple of replies whining about my whining about the weather. The only useful suggestion was from the guy who told me to move to the Philippines. That was exactly my plan when I retired. Like Murphy says, "Every man has a plan that will not work." My plan was sunk by a heart attack. It is the same condition that keeps me pinned in this wretched valley. As for the guy who told me to "enjoy the balmy weather", bad weather is a matter of perspective. When you are used to tempertures around 105 degrees in the day time and overnight lows of 80, 55 or 60 is a miserable, cold bitch. I am considering trying to move to Sequim, Washington. I know that the weather is bad by our standards, but the fishing is good. I know it's colder on the average. It is not, however, wetter. Sequim gets the same annual rainfall as Los Angeles. As far as the fog goes, there is no worse fog on earth, and I have seen a goodly portion of it, that is as bad as the fog here. When you can't see the end of your hood, that's bad. Summing up, I will continue to whine about the weather until March or so. Then, once again, I can look at the televised weather reports and laugh my ass off.

Listen up, media pukes. WE DON"T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT SCOTT PETERSON!!!!! You have been beating us over the head with this idiocy for months. Every talking head on the tube has given his/her "expert" analysis of this case. Do we really need to hear anymore? NONONONO.

Another football weekend looms ahead. I will watch my Okies drub the Colorado wimps mercilessly. Tennessee has a chance of beating Auburn, but they'll have to get a little lucky to do it. USC will doubtless win again. Notre Dame will lose. Boo Hoo Hoo
Those super men of baseball are about to bite the big one. Turns out, they're a bunch of dopers. This is just what baseball needs. A drug scandal. Rats.

In an attempt to clean up his low-life image, michael moore has shaved and is wearing a suit. It won't work. Ann Richards, one time governeor of Texas once said "You can put lipstick on a pig. You can dress it in a party dress. You can perfume it, but it's still a pig!"

Aside from a bad, bad cold, I'm doing alright. I don't know how Norma has escaped it. She's gotta be, like really tough. She really takes excellent care of me. I am lucky to have her. I love her toooooo much!