Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Grey, Grey, Grey

Ah yes, another foggy day in the refrigerator that is Southern California. The temperature has plummeted down into the 50 to 60 range. It has even had the timerity to dive below 50 on occasion. Ugly, ugly weather. I guess you know that the weather report from here will be, "It intensely Sucks!!"

I will now make my final prediction on football games. The prediction more predictions. I have chosen this course because this last season has proven that I have no talent for it. Turns out I'm about 90% wrong. In fact, by merely selecting a winning team, I seem to cast some sort of evil spell upon it, thereby rendering it helpless against any foe. Boo! I would say, "Go Seahawks!!" but I know that would seal their doom.

Once again we are busily planning trips that probably won't happen. I am fully confident that any plans that are made and approved will be negated by some disaster. Recent history has shown that carefully planning a vacation trip somehow triggers the dark forces in the universe to conspire against it and nullify the effort.

Does this entire blog seem a little down? Well its not my fault. I always get grumpy when its cold. I'll be much happier next summer when it is a toasty 105. In fact, the only people who seem to be happy in the cold are those fools who slither down frozen slopes on a pair of boards.

Christmas was a lot more expensive than I thought it would be. Next year, there'll be reindeer meat on the table.