Sunday, March 13, 2005


As much as I dislike this miserable valley, it does have some good features. For example, this morning one of my wife's little friends dropped off a huge bag of oranges and tangerines. These are not the kind you find in the stores in the north. The oranges are as big as grapefuits and the tangerines are as big as oranges. They came out of the fields this morning, so you just know they are sweet and juicy. A little later in the year, we will receive boxes and baskets of grapes.
We get grapes here in some varieties unknown to people outside this valley. So, I guess there are some compensations for living in this fishless place.

The mindless media, as usual, has gone completely berserk with their coverage of the Brian Nichols affair. While it is to be admitted that he is a very violent criminal, devoid of any traits that make him worth rehabilitating and knowing that he deserves to die as soon as possible, the media will not admit that the rest of the world did not stop turning as soon as this murdering idiot pulled the trigger. They have covered him 24/7. GIMMEE A BREAK!!!
You have probably noticed that Scott Peterson, another convicted murderer, is back in the news. The media wants you to believe that there are new developements in his case. The real reason, as predicted by this humble author, is that his new book has come out. How the hell can the prison system allow such atrocities? The entire United States prison system should take lessons from the sheriff in Arizona. His prisoners get no TV, no weight room, no library. They get to sleep in tents, winter and summer. They don't get really good food and he makes the men wear pink! That's my kind of law enforcement. There are almost NO returnees to his jail. Gee, I wonder why?

Now the wretches in the "human rights" organizations are starting to whine because, apparently, the number of prisoners at gitmo is dwindling. They fear that the U.S. is turning these low-lifes over to other governments for more thorough questioning. They know, and have known all along, that we treat our prisoners better than anyone in the world. They also know that if the Pakistanis or the Saudis get their hands on them, they will squeal like pigs. It's their own damned fault. They shouldn't have raised so much hell with the military. They shouldn't have tried to get them protection just like US citizens. I have no sympathy for the prisoners. The only thing I can says to the human rights advocates is: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Once again the communist ACLU has shot themselves in the foot. I wish they would shoot themselves a little higher up. Say, just above the neck.

Now that summer is approaching, the moronic children with their obnoxious ghetto blasters are starting to creep out from under their rocks and back out onto the street. The usual motif is a nice looking truck or car with a 5,000 watt stereo system playing at full volume. Here's a little stock tip. Buy hearing aid company stocks. All of these stupid little jerks will need auditory assistance soon. Oh, what I'd give for an RPG!!!

It has cooled off today. Once again the temperature has plummeted to less than 70 degrees. BOOOO!! No fishing yet. BOOOO!! Once again, the weather here sucks.