Monday, August 07, 2006

boo hoo hoo

You have heard that New York baseball fans are really tough because of the way they BOO their heroes during a slump, AROD, for instance. I think they are they biggest cry babies in these United States. What a herd of wimps!!! A truly excellent player hits a little rough spot, and this bunch of whining, simpering pussies make life miserable for him. New York does not deserve a team with outstanding players. If it wasn't for Steinbrenner's bucks, they would get the third rate team they are crying for.

The weather here was just right for a while. It was 105 to 115 for about 3 weeks. Now it has cooled to 95-100. Satifactory, but nothing like the glory days of July. The days are growing shorter. I see the spectre of winter starting to rear it's ugly head.

The middle east morons continue to show that they don't deserve to live. I still maintain that the only way to solve that problem is to nuke the hell out of them. I would have said, 'nuke 'em back to the stone age, but that would be a big step forward for them. Of course that gang of limp-wristed bufoons in Washington won't do it. They would rather see our wonderful country thrown to the dogs than give up political correctness. Too bad there isn't some way to get rid of the entire worthless crew and start all over. We need people with guts and foresight to oversee our governments affairs. I have no doubt that we will go to war with Iran. When we do, we should carefully consider the nuclear option.

Our grandchildren have gone back to Nevada. We had a great time with them. My grand daughter (age 3) now swims like a fish. My #2 grandson is turning into a first class little kid. He is going to be LARGE! My #1 grandson will be in college next year. Maybe when he graduates, he'll buy buy me the yacht I so richly deserve.

Our 15 year old will be a sophomore this year. She is already making noises about volleyball, basketball and track. The fun never stops!!!!