Sunday, March 30, 2008


The time is long since passed when we should have done something about islam. The limp wristed politically correct idots in Washington are hiding their heads in the sand while we are under an all out attack from the muslims. For the last 25 years they have turned their terror machines loose on us and we have sat quietly by and let them. I used to think there was some hope for a few of them, but lately I have come to embrace the concept of total eradication of the entire religion. Unlike the Mexicans who just want to steal us blind, the nation of islam wants to kill us. They have no interest in converting us. Their one mission in life is to kill as many non- muslims as they can. If the ladies reading this think my assessment is too harsh, try to imagine what it would be like living under the iron thumb of islam. You get to wear a black mushroom suit and cover your face at all times. You cannot go anywhere without a male escort. No more driving. Oh yeah, there is that female circumcision thing. If you have been a good little girl, they'll surgically remove your clitoris. If you haven't been good, some snaggle toothed dirty old man will bite it off. You women, especially, should be fighting them with all your strength, physical and political. Genocide is the answer. Like the Marines say, "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out."

Tiger lost a golf tournament! He only place fifth. I guess this means his career is over, right? If you believe that, I have some great beach front property to sell you in central Nevada.

The weather continues to improve, but slowly. It is now achieving temps in the mid seventies during the day. I talked to my mother in Spokane the other day. She was enjoying a blizzard. Ugh!

I am currently searching for a legitimate online business. There are a lot of them with websites, but almost all are scams of one kind or another. Hucksters are everywhere on the web waiting for some unsuspecting sucker to bite. I have looked at over one hundred sites and so far have found only four that may not take my pants away.

I have started six (6) novels that I hope to sell to Harlequin. The problems is, I get really lazy and will drop them for weeks at a time. On the other hand, I have no boss and I punch no time card. Maybe I should.

The first day of spring has drifted astern, but it still seems like winter. I think I'll go in the other room and do some creative whining and maybe cry a little.

Boo hoo hoo

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sailed Away

Yes, once again the Tiger has sailed away from the rest of the field in a display of final hole nerve, sinking a 25 foot putt on the final hole to grab the trophy from the also rans. I believe that he is unbeatable. Assorted pretenders have prevailed from time to time but none of them can pretend to approach the magnificence of this man's game. I believe he will become the most dominating force in sports for all time. He has no peers.

March madness is upon us. Who really cares except the students from the participating schools and the idiot sport's casters who are beset by madness all the time?

Have any of you witnessed the performance of one Teddy Atlas? He is a boxing trainer and commentator. I call him "downstairs teddy" because he continually whines about there not being enough body shots. Hey, Teddy, say it once and then shut up! He is almost as obnoxious as Michael Buffer.

Two of my grandchildren are visiting from Las Vegas during spring break. I just love 'em to death. I wish we could keep them but mama says, "NO"!

Summer is rapidly approaching. We haven't had any really good weather yet but at least we are no longer emulating Antarctica Delano still scores "F" for weather.

My decision to delete all e-mails blackmailing me into forwarding them has been successful. I have been happily deleting them with no bad result. Of course, I'm missing out on the various treasures that are usually promised when complying, but that's life in the fast lane.

I will now make my only political statement for this election:

If you vote for the witch or the muslim, you are dumber than dirt and a communist asshole. I don't care who you vote for, just don't vote for either of those losers. They would take this country even further down than it already is. They are not builders, they are destroyers and will bring you much grief.

Keep smiling, they will suspect you of something!