Saturday, June 19, 2004

Once again the low-life pile of dog crap, Michael Moore, has demonstrated his ability to produce a pack of lies and sell it to the idiot group. He is one of those guys who, when you walk into a room, you just want to bitch-slap. My hope is that he suffers some extreme misfortune and gets patted in the face with a spade. How do we let these bums invade our country? I guess that in accordance with our Constitution, a document that guys like Moore have absolute contempt for, he is allowed to make wild, irrational statements. Too bad anyone listens to him. Don't forget that his main motivation is money and that he'll do anything or say anything to get it. Maybe he'll break the oxygen habit and relieve the sane people of having to listen to another bunch of fabrications and the ravings of another left-wing moron.

So, the miserable murderers have done it again. The way to solve that kind of problem is to kill every member of their terror group that we have in prison and then bump off all their familiy members and anyone we even suspect of helping their pack of sleeze-balls. It is also time to clamp down on the Saudis. We should make them aware that we will take a very, very dim view of their future support of any terror group and that they could end up like Sadam.

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