The question on the mind of every American today is, "How much more of these rising gasoline prices will we take?" The answer lies in what we are willing to do about it. The usual diplomatic hand wringing and 'studies' is not going to fix it. Since they started raising gas prices dramatically in the early 70's, it has been obvious to most Americans that OPEC is really just a bunch of international thieves. The fuel industry learned a real lesson from the sugar industry. Back in the 60's when a bottle of Coke was $.10, sugar sufferred through a major shortage and the price of sugar and everything with sugar in it skyrocketed. When the shortage was over, sugar prices dropped, but not to pre-shortage levels. The price of all sugar included commodities didn't drop one cent. It still hasn't. OPEC, seeing this, manufactured the oil shortage of the early 70's and the price of gas rocketed upward. When the shortage magically disappeared, gas prices did not drop. The oil companies maintained prices at post shortage levels. Then began 30 years of price increases. Have you noticed that the prices at the pump increase immediately when OPEC cuts production but after they raise production again, pump prices drop a little but never back to the pre-increase levels. Again, how much more of this theft are we going to take? I believe we have taken enough. The time has come for some heavy-handed, direct and drastic action. The United States should attend the next OPEC meeting and announce that fuel prices will drop immediately. If they don't we will take the oil fields away from their tenants and run them ourselves. The current owners are obviously irresponsible and not competent to run such a global enterprise. Am I advocating war? If that's what it takes, so be it. I'll tell you straight up that if the military needs someone to charge the guns, this is one old fat guy who will volunteer in a heartbeat.
Now a word about wishy-washy judges and non prosecuting prosecutors. In recent years many judges have been legislating from the bench. Most of the ones who are guilty of this are left wing liberals with a liberal agenda. Not only do they legislate from the bench, they seem to make horrible errors in judgement as to the disposition of criminals. Lately, too may criminals have appeared before these judges and been turned loose again with a slap on the wrist, a small fine and nonexistent bail. Later, these criminals perpetrate other, more heinous crimes. When the investigation into the circumstances of the early or immediate release reveals that the criminal had stood before the bar of justice in the recent past and was not jailed, the judge invariable explains that he or she is overworked and has too many cases to investigate each one closely. BULLSHIT!!! There is no excuse for turning pedophiles and murderers loose on the unsuspecting public to wreak havoc once again. These judges are paid to exercise GOOD judgement. When one of them turns a criminal loose and the criminal commits another crime, the judge should be jailed if he let the perp out one minute early. Maybe a few months in the slammer with the animals they help create will cause the other judges to mend their ways. Is this too harsh? No way! If your accountant screws up your taxes, he is fired and if he screws up enough, he'll be out of business. Judges are there primarily to protect us from the lowlife animals in our society. For the immediate future, We can recall judges who make bad calls. Or we can vote some of them out of office. We need relief now!
The recipe for today is Rock Soup:
1. Build a fire
2. Pour 2 gallons of water into a large pot and place it over the fire.
3. Drop in 3 or 4 large rocks.
4. Boil the rocks for 23 minutes.
5. Pour into bowls and EAT HEARTY..yum
Now for the Delano weather report: It has cooled off once again, though not quite down to the "sucks" level. It is, however, well below "good".
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Saturday, April 16, 2005
It goes on and on
Since my last blog less than a week ago, two more little girls have been found raped and murdered. These atrocities can be laid squarely at the dorrs of the ACLU and liberal, activist courts. The hand-wringing over what is to be done has started. You can bet your ass that the ACLU will fight any kind of sentencing reform that is voted on. There are several good solutions that could be implemented. First, ban the ACLU. Throw all of its officers in jail with the animals they have helped create. Second, recall the liberal judges who make truly stupid decisions regarding the handling of these sub-human animals. Third, fire all prosecutors who fail to prosecute. Last, but not least, change the sentencing guidelines. I have included a list of MINIMUM sentences for these animals:
1. For rape and murder, Death within one month of a guilty verdict. No exceptions.
2. For sex crimes against children, a minimum of 20 years without parole, Immediate castration and removal of the offending penis, Required to wear a location collar for life. Mandatory frontal lobotomy. A tatoo on the forehead identifying the animal. Cannot live within 2 miles of where children play, live or go to school. Death for a second offense within one month of a guilty verdict. Gee, does that sound a little harsh? Tough!!! Make these kinds of crimes really distasteful to the animals. I believe that when a man yanks it out in front of children, he automatically gives up all his Constitutional rights. He doesn't deserve them. He is, after all, sub-human. A monster. A low beast. Akin to a rabid dog.
Wow, it was 85 today with more of the same in the near forecast. If it will stay like this for a week, I will venture forth to the old fishin' hole. I didn't go all last year, the first year I've missed since the late sixties. My buddy on the east coast has spent most of the last couple of weeks in Pennsylvania. It is nasty, cold and the wind is blowing in North Carolina, so he hasn't gone fishing yet either.
The recipe for the day is: Charred Steak
Make a fire.
Get a steak.
Throw the steak in the fire.
Let it burn for 30 minutes or so.
Remove it from the fire and try to eat it.
The Delano weather report is: Warming up. Out of the 'it sucks' region, but not quite to the 'good' region.
1. For rape and murder, Death within one month of a guilty verdict. No exceptions.
2. For sex crimes against children, a minimum of 20 years without parole, Immediate castration and removal of the offending penis, Required to wear a location collar for life. Mandatory frontal lobotomy. A tatoo on the forehead identifying the animal. Cannot live within 2 miles of where children play, live or go to school. Death for a second offense within one month of a guilty verdict. Gee, does that sound a little harsh? Tough!!! Make these kinds of crimes really distasteful to the animals. I believe that when a man yanks it out in front of children, he automatically gives up all his Constitutional rights. He doesn't deserve them. He is, after all, sub-human. A monster. A low beast. Akin to a rabid dog.
Wow, it was 85 today with more of the same in the near forecast. If it will stay like this for a week, I will venture forth to the old fishin' hole. I didn't go all last year, the first year I've missed since the late sixties. My buddy on the east coast has spent most of the last couple of weeks in Pennsylvania. It is nasty, cold and the wind is blowing in North Carolina, so he hasn't gone fishing yet either.
The recipe for the day is: Charred Steak
Make a fire.
Get a steak.
Throw the steak in the fire.
Let it burn for 30 minutes or so.
Remove it from the fire and try to eat it.
The Delano weather report is: Warming up. Out of the 'it sucks' region, but not quite to the 'good' region.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Assorted nuts
Another criminal maniac has gone off the deep end, killed two people and raped a teenage girl. This is a guy they had in jail and released early. I believe that jail for all these guys is a colossal waste of time and money. When they get one of these nuts, they should just go ahead and shoot the criminal asshole. It really doesn't matter if they are mentally competent or not. The insanity plea should be struck from the books. The only way to cure career criminals is with a 38 caliber pill. It can't be as costly as they claim it is to string one of these morons up. The thing that costs the money is the years and years full of appeals and paying appeals shysters to try to skirt the law and get these animals off with a lighter sentence or a new trial. There should be a brief trial followed by maybe one appeal and then, BANG!!! Murderers and child rapists shoould get the same treatment. Stop dicking around with these monsters. Plant 'em and forget 'em.
At last, after years of ignoring the southern border, the army is being deployed to the area. The Mexican government is displeased, but so what? They couldn't possibly hurt us any more than they already have by encouraging illegal immigration. I think the best solution to the Mexican problem is to attack Mexico, colonize it, declare martial law and totally destroy the immigration problem. It is obvious that the Mexican government has no idea about providing jobs for their people. A few U.S. firms, you know, the ones the hippies hate, could start farming and manufacturing in what is now Mexico. We could arrest all the federalies and politicians, assuming they are all guilty of something. Let the military courts sort 'em out. In a decade or two, we would have a lot better grip on the transient problem. However, as long as the current situation prevails, anyone caught illegally entering the United States should be treated as a federal felon, jailed and prosecuted. Since deporting them seems to do no good, prison camps in the desert seems to be a great solution.
Tiger strikes again!! Yes folks, just as the anti-Woods clowns were trying to proclaim him a thing of the past, El Tigre has risen to capture his fourth green jacket at Augusta. Now that he seems to have his swing back, the rest of the PGA must once again watch it. I predict he'll leave a bright burning trail through the rest of the golf season.
And now, your new recipe isPlanked carp.
Catch a carp
Strap it to a cedar plank and roast over open fire.
Remove from heat
Throw carp away, eat plank.
I am hopeful that it will continue to warm up. We had one day of spring about a week ago. Then, winter set in again. Now it is warming up slowly. If you get a chance to talk to one of those 'global warming' buffoons, punch him in the suck. I had actually turned my funace off, when suddenly, I was freezing my kabip off. Had to turn it back on. boooo. The Delano weather still sucks.
At last, after years of ignoring the southern border, the army is being deployed to the area. The Mexican government is displeased, but so what? They couldn't possibly hurt us any more than they already have by encouraging illegal immigration. I think the best solution to the Mexican problem is to attack Mexico, colonize it, declare martial law and totally destroy the immigration problem. It is obvious that the Mexican government has no idea about providing jobs for their people. A few U.S. firms, you know, the ones the hippies hate, could start farming and manufacturing in what is now Mexico. We could arrest all the federalies and politicians, assuming they are all guilty of something. Let the military courts sort 'em out. In a decade or two, we would have a lot better grip on the transient problem. However, as long as the current situation prevails, anyone caught illegally entering the United States should be treated as a federal felon, jailed and prosecuted. Since deporting them seems to do no good, prison camps in the desert seems to be a great solution.
Tiger strikes again!! Yes folks, just as the anti-Woods clowns were trying to proclaim him a thing of the past, El Tigre has risen to capture his fourth green jacket at Augusta. Now that he seems to have his swing back, the rest of the PGA must once again watch it. I predict he'll leave a bright burning trail through the rest of the golf season.
And now, your new recipe isPlanked carp.
Catch a carp
Strap it to a cedar plank and roast over open fire.
Remove from heat
Throw carp away, eat plank.
I am hopeful that it will continue to warm up. We had one day of spring about a week ago. Then, winter set in again. Now it is warming up slowly. If you get a chance to talk to one of those 'global warming' buffoons, punch him in the suck. I had actually turned my funace off, when suddenly, I was freezing my kabip off. Had to turn it back on. boooo. The Delano weather still sucks.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
It's still there!!
Yes, lurking in the shadow of the death of the Pope and the Schiavo spectacle, the Michael Jackson case is resurrected. It did not go away as we all hoped. Now the media morons will fill our already over flowing cups with more of the adventures of MJ. Really, we don't need 24/7 coverage of this weirdo case.
In response to reader comments, I am starting my one recipe per blog attraction. Soon, it will become a beloved tradition and I'm sure it will help some of you lesser adept cooks. The first recipe is for southern fried fish:
1. Go to Alabama
2. Get a fish
3. Fry it
4. Eat it
A recipe this simple should be easy for even the most inept cook to follow.
Also, in response to reader comments: Anchovies still suck. Always have, always will. I would rather eat skunk asses fried in kerosene than an anchovy.
It has finally gotten back up to 80 degrees here. It's almost warm enough to go fishing. In another week or two I'll give it a try. I may have to go fish in the ditch out by Alpaugh for white bass. Some have told me that they have made a recovery after having been poisoned out by the idiot fish and game commission. We used to catch them by the buckets full out there. We'll see.
My tomatoes have been planted!! This year, they have a chance of surviving because I didn't even touch them. My sweet little wife planted them. I didn't even supervise. Time will tell.
Now that the winter clouds are fading, we can observe large, very fast objects in the sky headed for the coast. Nellis, Edwards and Area 51 are not very far from here by air. I expect an announcement of some super-plane later this summer. Of course, I could be wrong. I was wrong once before back in 1978 when I thought I was wrong and I wasn't.
In response to reader comments, I am starting my one recipe per blog attraction. Soon, it will become a beloved tradition and I'm sure it will help some of you lesser adept cooks. The first recipe is for southern fried fish:
1. Go to Alabama
2. Get a fish
3. Fry it
4. Eat it
A recipe this simple should be easy for even the most inept cook to follow.
Also, in response to reader comments: Anchovies still suck. Always have, always will. I would rather eat skunk asses fried in kerosene than an anchovy.
It has finally gotten back up to 80 degrees here. It's almost warm enough to go fishing. In another week or two I'll give it a try. I may have to go fish in the ditch out by Alpaugh for white bass. Some have told me that they have made a recovery after having been poisoned out by the idiot fish and game commission. We used to catch them by the buckets full out there. We'll see.
My tomatoes have been planted!! This year, they have a chance of surviving because I didn't even touch them. My sweet little wife planted them. I didn't even supervise. Time will tell.
Now that the winter clouds are fading, we can observe large, very fast objects in the sky headed for the coast. Nellis, Edwards and Area 51 are not very far from here by air. I expect an announcement of some super-plane later this summer. Of course, I could be wrong. I was wrong once before back in 1978 when I thought I was wrong and I wasn't.
Friday, April 01, 2005
screwed again!!
Once again I must apologize. When I wrote the blog on food, I was unaware that I needed a PhD from the Culinary Institute of America to decide what's good and what's not. I was under the mistaken impression that 65 years of tasting various treats from around the world would automatically qualify me to judge assorted foods. I was also unawaare that I didn't have enough expertise to comment on cooking shows. Hell, I like cooking shows. I watch them all the time. Some of the favorite ingredients of the TV chefs leave me with a gag reflex in progress. I guess I'm just unsophisticated. One more thing, if you bring me a pizza with those foul little fish on it, it will immediately become wearing apparel for the provider. Sorry, that's the way it is.
Well, Schiavo croaked and immediately, the Pope's health declined. Now, all those media idiots have to leave Florida and go to Italy. Like the Schiavo case, they will cover this one 24/7 until we have had more than enough. Kind of makes me wonder what the next super duper event will be.
Boy, those people in southeast Asia are really catching hell. First the major tsunami and now a big, big earthquake. That is one of my most favorite areas in the world and now it is mostly destroyed. BOOOO.
Temp in Delano today was 79. No clouds. No wind. Summer is coming!!! At last.
Well, Schiavo croaked and immediately, the Pope's health declined. Now, all those media idiots have to leave Florida and go to Italy. Like the Schiavo case, they will cover this one 24/7 until we have had more than enough. Kind of makes me wonder what the next super duper event will be.
Boy, those people in southeast Asia are really catching hell. First the major tsunami and now a big, big earthquake. That is one of my most favorite areas in the world and now it is mostly destroyed. BOOOO.
Temp in Delano today was 79. No clouds. No wind. Summer is coming!!! At last.
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