Saturday, June 04, 2005

Almost there

The trial of the king of pop is coming to an end. Is he innocent or guilty? Who cares? The only thing that is important is that all the media feeding frenzy will be over. The tv talking heads are all a-twitter about this trial. Now, they are each forming an opinion as to how the trial went, what could have gone better, what could have gone worse and every one of them has an opinion about guilt or innocence. I don't think that this herd of moronic gas bags has one single ounce of sense, altogether. That bunch of bench warming idiots has no say in the matter at all. The only thing that matters is the verdict of the jury.

I finally got off my lazy butt and went swimming. It wore my fat ass out. I haven't worked that hard since last year. The water was perfect except for the frogs. I evicted about 50 of the slimy little creatures. Only after I released them into the flower beds did I realize they would have been great bait! Oh, well. I am sure they will be back. You can't keep a good frog down. If any of you ladies are having bad luck with your room mates, I'll be happy to sell you a frog, suitable for kissing. Your prince may be inside.

If I didn't live in the boundaries of the ninth circuit court of appeals, it would be hard to understand the total incompetence of the Florida courts. The people of Florida should seriously consider throwing all those bums out. Unfortunately, those of us in California are stuck with the ninth circuit court. They are a bunch of communist assholes who are legislating from the bench. How can we handle something like that?

The recipe for today is elepant soup:
Dice one large elepant.
Slice 3 or 4 carrots and an onion.
Cover with gnu stock.
Cook over low heat for 5 days.
If it looks like you may not have enough meat, throw in a rabbit or 2 unless you don't like hare in your soup.

The weather in Delano is perfect. Daytime temps are 85 to 95. The temp plummets down to 75 at night, but that's Ok 'cause that's when I'm sleeping. I have not seen a cloud in many days.

Now that the temperature is up, my air conditioner has broken down, spoiling an otherwise perfect week. I'll get it fixed on Monday.

I was almost a multi-milliomaire tonight, but I missed the lottery numbers by only 4. That means I can't buy the Island I had my eye on in the San Juans. Rats!! And I had to cancel the order for my new yacht. Life is so Unfair!!

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