Wednesday, September 07, 2005

George did it!!!

Once again, the pinko left wing idiots are blaming the President for a natural disaster. Barbara (the check bouncer) Boxer has once again shown that she is truly insane by making competely idiotic statements about the situation in New Orleans. Leave it up to the dumocraps to try to extract political profit from a national disaster. Whose side are these weasels on? Now is the time for the stupid-ass rock stars, dumber-than-rocks actors and other ultra left morons to get off the podium and go to the bank. Withdraw some of their ill gotten gains and donate to the cause. Most of the rich black rockers and actors are using this disaster to play the race card. Who do they think made them rich? Ghetto blacks? Not hardly. The very people they are bitching about brought them their wealth. Oh well, I guess you don't have to be smart to be a star. Of course the miserable yuks on the left side of Congress are as much to blame as the 'stars'. They would rather sit around and whine about supposed weaknesses than actually get off their chubby, well groomed butts and render some help. Hey, there, Teddy boy, why don't you give some of your vast, unearned fortune to the cause instead of blaming the President for the disaster? Teddy's butt should be behind bars right now. How could the people of Massachusettes be stupid enough to keep electing this abomination? Listen up all you liberal dopes!!! Hurricane Katrina is responsible for the New Orleans disaster. George didn't do it!!

The football season is on again!! It's about time!! Unfortunately. My Okies lost on the first weekend. Notre Dame won. Two black marks to start out with. With any luck, the Sooners will triumph for the rest of the season and Notre Dame won't score another point. USC appears to be back in the driver's seat. Is there no one who can beat them? Maybe not.
As I write this, the U.S. Open Tennis championships are under weigh. Andy lost in the first round. Why does he do these strange things? At least the Americans are making a hearty charge this year. Maybe one of them will prevail. Let us hope.

The temperature in Delano continues to plummet toward the 80s. It's not enough to bitch about yet, but it won't be long until I'm whining.

As far as Katrina goes, as usual the media is providing total overkill on the coverage of the events there. It is, indeed, a terrible situation, but do we really need to hear about it 24/7? Has anyone heard anything about Aruba lately? Minimum coverage has been provided over the nominatiojn of a new Supreme Court Chief Justice. Roberts will be on the court long after Katrina is a bitter memory. I personally hope that they rebuild the Big Easy. I believe that they will. Maybe this time, they'll expend the funds to build an adequate levee system.

And so it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i disagree with the idea of re-building new orleans. that city is nothing more then a fish bowl that should go away.

also who is going to pay to re-build the leeves and the pumps??? yep you guessed it. all american taxpayers except those in louisiana. that was their job and they blew it. now the commie pinkos want the rest of us to do it for them. and if not then we are racists....yea.....

and why does the yellow journalists always give air time to the likes of jessie (the rip off artitsts) jackson, al, the fat boy lier) sharpton....theese two weesesles are nothing more then scam artists who live off the mere earnings of the poor....

the weather in lanham is beautiful nice breezey weather --- sunny.....
