Friday, April 07, 2006


What is Lacrosse? Does anybody really care if some Lacrosse players got drunk and poked a stripper? Once again the media has found a juicy sex-laden cause to wrap it's mitts around. The media thrives on sex and drug scandals. All we've been hearing from the limited minds of the media is Lacrosse and Bonds. Enough already!! The entire nation is fed up with being fed a steady diet of this kind of trash. WE DO NOT NEED ANY MORE!!!!!

Today the sun has made one of its brief appearances this year. It is a refreshing change from the steady drip, drip, drip of the past month. It was like the whole state had the clap. A little shot of solar penicillin is just what the doctor ordered. Once again, my pool looks like a swamp thanks to over-flowing rain water from the garden. It'll take at least a week to clear it up. Once again, my wife is preparing to chomp on the pool boy about cleaning the filter.

I am waiting for a couple of weeks of steady sunshine before I go fishing. I still want to go surf fishing over at San Simeon. It should be really good once the clouds go away.

My grandchildren will be here for spring break. I can hardly wait. Too many moons have passed since last they visited. We'll be having a major bar-b-q unless the water gods conspire against us.

Now a word about illegal aliens. They are 'illegal aliens'. They are NOT 'undocumented immigrants'. They are in this country illegally. The plans currently being debated in Congress are far too lenient. We should scoop all of them up and immediately deport them. They should have to undergo the same tedious procedure that the legal immigrants have to withstand. They are all felons. Criminals. That crap that the liberal media feeds us about how much they are worth to us does not take into account the fact that they have totally destroyed our health care systems and educational establishments and have overloaded our courts. Many of these criminals were criminals in their countries of origin. Now they are here, murdering, stealing and selling dope. When will we wise up? It should not be the business of the American taxpayer to continue to support these criminals. Their native governments should reform and keep them at home. Fat chance!! Those governments are too corrupt to give their own people a break. However, we are not responsible for their ineptitude. Since countries like Mexico refuse to reform and actually encourage this illegal behaviour, I think we should declare war on them, kick their asses and then annex them. They are, after all, invading our country. There is nothing wrong with a little imperialism.

Please do not forget to dump on the ACLU at every opportunity. The ACLU is the most subversive, dangerous gang of maniacs at large in the U.S. today.

Looks like my acidic inkwell is just about dry for today. Oh well.

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