Sunday, May 21, 2006


So there I sat on the deck. I looked at the pool. It was a beautiful, crystal clear blue. I observed the flower beds and the vegetable garden. It was all starting to bloom under the warm (102 degree) Southern California sun. A perfect day. That was 3 short days ago. I thought summer was upon us at last! But, NO!! It rained on me today. The temperature has dropped off to a chilly 71 degrees. Once again, I was wrong in assuming that summer was present. Summer is still lurking beyond the veil of global cooling. Yes, it's true. The world is getting colder, not warmer. I believe another ice age is not far away. YUK!!!

The media maggots are still in hot pursuit of Barry Bonds. He gets more publicity than the war. Lighten up! He has never flunked a drug test. He has answered all the questions that the inquisition has offered. They have proven just exactly nothing. I'll bet if he only had 100 home runs, we wouldn't hear a peep out of the talking heads. Does this sound like I have no respect for the media? BINGO!!!! They are a greedy herd of obnoxious, arrogant assholes who have taken it upon themselves to adjudicate every case that floats to the top.
Last weekend the poles revealed that the lowest rated show on the entire weekend was the Stanley cup playoffs. Yup, they scored even lower than ladies Lacrosse. Their market share was an abysmal 0.09.
Once again the American people are being fed a bunch of propaganda aimed at propping up the failing professional soccer league. It ain't gonna work. Americans have football, baseball and basketball. The most exciting thing about a soccer game is watching the grass on the field grow. It's about the same for hockey, except in hockey, you watch the ice melt.

Gas prices continue to rise unabated. Maybe some genius will figure out a way to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen to burn in our engines. It would be a real shame to say farwell forever to our Arab 'chums', but I think most of us could get along without them after a brief period of adjustment. 10 seconds ought to do it.

Speaking of pond scum, I am coming to believe that the only way to have peace with Islam is to kill all of them, everywhere. If you think this is too harsh, you have probably never lived in a Moslem country. Most of that ilk are vile, low individuals who absolutely cannot be trusted. The cancer must be removed completely if the operation is to be a success.

My little girl is visiting relatives in Alaska. She'll be back in June. My grandchildren will be here around the first of June or so. Grandma and I are anxiously awaiting their arrival.

And so it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your still a woozie pal. 71 degrees is summer weather.....anything above 90 degrees is for rattle snakes and scorpions and jack a lopes.....
