Monday, July 03, 2006

Where did he go?

That's the question that will be on everyone's lips after I win the $106 million dollar lottery tomorrow. I'll disappear like the morality of the media, never to be seen again. I have already produced a list of things I'll get, where I'll go and what I'll do. OOOOPS!!! There's that dream again. I get it every time the lottery gets over 100 million. Damn!!

Does anybody know who won the Stanley Cup? Or the World Cup? Or even if they've been played? Does anyone care?

The weather here is perfect. During the days it is 90 to 105 and at night it plummets down to 72 or 73. Delano gets a big "A" for weather this week.

As you know, we are being invaded from the south by a vast herd of ne'er do well welfare seekers. Contact your congressional people and the president. Let them know that this is totally unacceptable. We need the Army on the border with orders to shoot the invaders.

Are we ever going to catch Ben Ladin? He has drifted away from the mainstream media's attention. They have more important things to consider, like steroids in sports.

Once again, I am hoping to make an out of state trip. I really want it to happen, mostly because I am completely fed up with California. C'mon lottery!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey pal.... when you win the big one. i expect you to at least buy me a drink --- on the east coast... you would be able to afford it...

your pal from the right coast...