Monday, May 28, 2007

Poked again

For those of you who haven't heard my thoroughly boring tale of recent cuttings, here it is: They cut, they got it, I bled, it's over. The end.

Now for my annual (more or less) list of pet peeves.
1. Garlic is a foul smelling, bad tasting weed that should be banned, worldwide.
2. Anchovies are nasty little creatures that don't even make good bait and certainly
don't belong in the culinary world.
3. The proof is NOT in the pudding. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Get it right!!
4. The NBA has no business playing in May. Basketball season should end in February.
5. College football needs a playoff system. A herd of jerk-water analysts has no business selecting a national champion.
6. The national news media is so bad, I've stopped watching the TV news. They are nothing but a collections of left-wing communist liars. Most are even treasonist.
7. ALL moslems are out to kill us. Weed them out.
8. Deport ALL illegal aliens. There is no such thing as an "undocumented immigrant". They are all criminals.
9. "Al dente" doesn't mean 'to the tooth" Al dente means "not cooked".
Whew!!! That was fun. Now onward.

Fishing season has once again found me without a license and in too bad a shape to get to the fishin' hole. Old age sucks. "Golden years", my ass! My partner in North Carolina is killing the stripped bass. I get regular reports from him. He uses small bluegills for bait and they gobble them right up. I wish I were there. As the years march on it is becomming more and more apparent that I won't be hunting again unless something wonderful happens. I guess when I move to Nevada, I'll give my hunting equipment to my grandsons.

The weather here is outstanding. No clouds, hot, little wind. Delano's weather report is: "GREAT"!!

In two weeks, my oldest grandson graduates high school. It is hard to believe that I have grandchildren that old. Norma and I will be traveling to Las Vegas to attend the ceremony. I'm not looking forward to the trip across the desert, but it will be good to see my daughter and her progeny again.

I have been thinking about writing a book on my life experiences. But, probably nobody would believe all that stuff. I just barely believe it myself! Boy, I'm sure glad I got all those things done before I got old and worn out. I have no regrets. I enjoyed all of it.

And so it goes.

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