Sunday, August 26, 2007

M.V. so what?

I am so damn sick of hearing the adventures of Mike Vick. The way the media treats it, you would think he is a serial murderer. Now, I don't agree with fighting dogs. Chickens, yes. Dogs, no. What I am pissed off about is the medias complete and total overkill on a story that should have taken less than 15 minutes to report. A brief diatribe explaining that he was fighting dogs followed a few months later by announcing his sentencing. 24 hour coverage of this event is not needed. The involvement of the pet terrorist group, PETA, was totally unnecessary. I suppose that the media will continue to over kill every story that churns along. Come on guys!! Give it a rest.

As I threatened, I have written and published some erotic literature. My first offerings have scored 12,000 readers in three days. At least one of my sisters thinks I'm writing perverted, dirty slop. She can think whatever she wants. This is, after all a partially free country. I am disappointed, however that my detractors didn't bother to read these stories before passing judgement. If you want to read these terrible, seductive bits of literary tripe, send me an e-mail and I'll be happy to let you know how to find them. Be careful, though, this stuff can be addictive.

Ah, yes, football is back. After several months of sports draught, we have real entertainment again. Have you noticed the way the media keeps trying to shove soccer down our throats? If you enamored of soccer, move to Europe. 98% of the sporting public think that soccer sucks. Given the choice between watching soccer and watching cosmetic commercials, I would go for the lipstick. Soccer sucks.

My fishing buddy back east has said he is 'killing' the striped bass. I sure wish I was there. In fact, I wish I was anywhere where water exists in the streams and fish reside in the water. Such is not the case here. Dry creeks. No fish. An idiotic game department that poisons out the only fishing holes for miles around and then suggests that you drive 60 miles to the nearest rocky, worthless reservoir.

The weather here continues to be good. Daytime temperatures are in the high 90s. No clouds. No wind. Perfect. Delano gets an "A".

I can't think of much else to bitch about. Send your e-mails and I'll send you directions.



Anonymous said...

Jacobus, I replied, conscious of some irritability.. I heard children's voices, and the low lullaby of happy mothers.. Let us console ourselves with the hope of seeing more of this lady on our return.. The Parian face was so polished and smooth, because there was no sorrow upon the heart,--and, drearily often, no heart to be touched.. Major Talbot was of the old, old South.. The meaning is always determined by the individual moral view-point of the dreamer.. I meant their children.. Van Kamp stopped the landlord's own breath.. The Colonel bit his lip.. My grandfather Titbottom instantly advanced, and moving briskly reached the top of the plank at the same moment, and with the old tassel of his cap flashing in the sun, and one hand in the pocket of his dressing gown, with the other he handed the young lady carefully down the plank.. How dared you be so saucy to the master? asked one of the little boys, after school.. We are really in no position to demonstrate regularly a stream of thought antagonistic to the dream-wish which is realized in the dream as in its counterpart.. But Babe was made of sterner stuff.. A cloud floated overhead, throwing its great shadow over the field where we lay.. The statement which will be perhaps then made, that he cannot concentrate his attention upon anything at all, is to be countered by assuring him most positively that such a blank state of mind is utterly impossible.. Buller's sailboat into proper condition, and for ten days Mr.. Leonard's, and pass the whole evening there.. Colonel Starbottle for the Plaintiff , by Bret Harte, is from the collection of his stories entitled Openings in the Old Trail , and is republished by permission of the Houghton Mifflin Company, the authorized publishers of Bret Harte's complete works.. There is, however, no need of assuming that this mental work is performed during sleep, as this would materially impair the conception of the psychic state of sleep we have hitherto adhered to.. I know that you are carrying the ticket for to-day's concert in your bag...

Anonymous said...

ok pal, i hope i am still one of your east coast (right coast) pals...anyways michael vick... he should get jail time... what he did for the american pit bull terror is criminal... they are sweet dogs... my granddaughter --- age 12 ---- shows them... all have been sweet...

now let me see ---

as for oking fighting chickens --- welll nooooo i rather kill em an eat em.,..... no fighting.... just kill em.....

ohhh you are writing porn??? give me the url will ya please... i gotta just read it... i noz ya is funny en hell in ya writting... known ya fer years......

as for football being back... yep great... the only game to be of more important in the u.s.of a. is the army navy game in which the navy goat butts the army ass all over the field.... yep.... go navy --- beat army....

as for your buddy killing the fish... well tell him to send me some of the fish he catches and kills will ya??? frozen of cost please... i wanna be able to serve em up and eat em myself.... i luv fresh water frish --- especially trout.....

your friend on the east (right) coast....-----