Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How stupid are you?

Well, Obama is going to be the democratic candidate for president. Are you stupid enough to vote for him? I have seen many, many negative articles about him and his cohorts. They all seem to be anti-American. How can an American vote for a militant Muslim when we are at war with the Muslims? I'll state flat out: If you vote for this lying piece of camel dung, you are not an American. I don't care what party you belong to. I know that there are some democrats out there who will vote against him because they are Americans. He has no experience. He says he represents change. The change you will see will destroy this country. He will definitely sell us out to Islam. If you have decided to vote for him, please drop me a line so I can drop you from my address books and blacklist you.

Don't get the idea that I'm a McCain fan. I'm not. But he is the only rational choice. He leans way to the left, maybe far enough to attract some of Osama"s....ooooops...Obama's followers.Be very afraid. Obama want to hand us over to the enemies of this country. If you let him do it, you'll see what Islam is really like. It will be too late and the greatest nation that was ever on this earth will pass into history.

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