Let's review some of the possible causes of the recent cataclismic events happening to our country.
1. We have allowed the ACLU to take over our country.
2. We are allowing our babies to be killed.
3. We allow queers to marry.
4. Any reference to GOD or Christianity is in the process of being removed from all our government institutions.
5. School prayers are no longer allowed.
6. The most wretched court in the land, the ninth circuit court of appeals, has issued several decisions that are absolutely insane.
7. We listened to those tree hugging morons and didn't build any new refineries. We didn't build any new nuclear power plants. We are barred from drilling new wells in Alaska, California and off the east coast.
8. Idiots like Kennedy, Feinstein and Schumer try to hold our Senate hostage on a continuing basis.
I could go on for hours, but I think you get the drift. Our dumb-ass courts have allowed our country to be hijacked by the lunatic left. They have not only pissed off every real American, worse, they seem to have pissed off GOD. Now I am fully aware that weather phenomenon comes and goes. I am aware that some misguided flakes think that destroying our power base is just hunky dory. What I am telling you is, that like Sodom (sodomy leagalized) and Gomorrah, we could be reduced to rubble if we don't try to repair the damage done by the traitorous left.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Yes, it is horribly true. Summer has died. It rained here this morning. BUMMER!!! Rain signals the end of summer and the beginning of fall. I can't believe that it rained here in September. Global warming is a myth. I think that global cooling is a reality. Warmth has drifted astern. WE ARE DOOMED!!! I just changed the water in the pool, too. GAAAAAAAHHHHH.
I am sitting at this keyboard, writing this blog and listening to the Eagles. I am convinced that the Eagles are one of the top 3 bands in the 20th century.
Last weekends pro football was unsatifying. All the wrong teams won. What a mess. And then we have the fights. One before the game and one in the middle of a NASCAR race. The only way to keep these idiots from fighting is to lay some heavy fines and suspensions on them. I think that if you initiate a fight, you should be suspended for a year. That would be a full year, not until the end of the season, but this time next year.
New Orleans has had enough. As I write, another major hurricane is headed in that direction. By the way, have you heard anything about Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the ACLU or any of the othe other anti-American morons doing anything but bitching about racial discrimination in the rescue effort? Who do they think rescued all those black people during the flood? I'll guarantee you tha it wasn't Jackson, Sharpton or any of the rest of those bigotted assholes. They were a thousand miles from the action, passing solemn gas through their waffle-bottomed chairs and explaining to the media how the very people who were doing the rescue were somehow bad. What a crock!! Even their constituents should be able to see through the lies spread by these windbags.
My two new children are starting to get unruly, so I better shut the blog down.
Ah, the good life!!
I am sitting at this keyboard, writing this blog and listening to the Eagles. I am convinced that the Eagles are one of the top 3 bands in the 20th century.
Last weekends pro football was unsatifying. All the wrong teams won. What a mess. And then we have the fights. One before the game and one in the middle of a NASCAR race. The only way to keep these idiots from fighting is to lay some heavy fines and suspensions on them. I think that if you initiate a fight, you should be suspended for a year. That would be a full year, not until the end of the season, but this time next year.
New Orleans has had enough. As I write, another major hurricane is headed in that direction. By the way, have you heard anything about Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the ACLU or any of the othe other anti-American morons doing anything but bitching about racial discrimination in the rescue effort? Who do they think rescued all those black people during the flood? I'll guarantee you tha it wasn't Jackson, Sharpton or any of the rest of those bigotted assholes. They were a thousand miles from the action, passing solemn gas through their waffle-bottomed chairs and explaining to the media how the very people who were doing the rescue were somehow bad. What a crock!! Even their constituents should be able to see through the lies spread by these windbags.
My two new children are starting to get unruly, so I better shut the blog down.
Ah, the good life!!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
It has finally happened. I got a blog comment before I even wrote the blog!!! One of my readers suggested that New Orleans should be allowed to sink on its own. While it is true that the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisianna should take a major hit for their incompetent handling of the crisis, I don't think the people of that state or any other state should have to shoulder the burden of disaster by themselves. After all, they are Americans. Most of them are penniless and in great need of federal assistance. The President has taken responsibility for the governments mishandling of the events following the passage of Katrina. He, like Harry Truman, is correct in saying, "The buck stops here". It will be months, maybe even years, until the "Big Easy" is big and easy again. Until then, I believe it is every American's duty to cheerfully help restore one of our major cities.
My Okies lost again. UCLA kicked their asses hard. I could just cry! On the other hand, Notre Dame lost. That is a very good thing because it keeps the idiot sportswriters from proclaiming them to be #1. It looks like another stellar season for USC. I don't see anyone in the division capable of staying with them. In fact, as the season rolls on, they'll probably get stronger.
My buddy, Carl, in North Carolina, has expressed his hope that Ophilia will push enough water back up into Pamlico Sound to start the trout biting again. He was well prepared for the storm. He laid in 1/2 case of whiskey.
The temperature here is steadily declining. Nights are getting down into the 60 degree range. BOOOOO!!! Days are only in the mid to upper 80s. Soon the weather will intensley suck once again. For now, it only gets a "C".
My Okies lost again. UCLA kicked their asses hard. I could just cry! On the other hand, Notre Dame lost. That is a very good thing because it keeps the idiot sportswriters from proclaiming them to be #1. It looks like another stellar season for USC. I don't see anyone in the division capable of staying with them. In fact, as the season rolls on, they'll probably get stronger.
My buddy, Carl, in North Carolina, has expressed his hope that Ophilia will push enough water back up into Pamlico Sound to start the trout biting again. He was well prepared for the storm. He laid in 1/2 case of whiskey.
The temperature here is steadily declining. Nights are getting down into the 60 degree range. BOOOOO!!! Days are only in the mid to upper 80s. Soon the weather will intensley suck once again. For now, it only gets a "C".
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
George did it!!!
Once again, the pinko left wing idiots are blaming the President for a natural disaster. Barbara (the check bouncer) Boxer has once again shown that she is truly insane by making competely idiotic statements about the situation in New Orleans. Leave it up to the dumocraps to try to extract political profit from a national disaster. Whose side are these weasels on? Now is the time for the stupid-ass rock stars, dumber-than-rocks actors and other ultra left morons to get off the podium and go to the bank. Withdraw some of their ill gotten gains and donate to the cause. Most of the rich black rockers and actors are using this disaster to play the race card. Who do they think made them rich? Ghetto blacks? Not hardly. The very people they are bitching about brought them their wealth. Oh well, I guess you don't have to be smart to be a star. Of course the miserable yuks on the left side of Congress are as much to blame as the 'stars'. They would rather sit around and whine about supposed weaknesses than actually get off their chubby, well groomed butts and render some help. Hey, there, Teddy boy, why don't you give some of your vast, unearned fortune to the cause instead of blaming the President for the disaster? Teddy's butt should be behind bars right now. How could the people of Massachusettes be stupid enough to keep electing this abomination? Listen up all you liberal dopes!!! Hurricane Katrina is responsible for the New Orleans disaster. George didn't do it!!
The football season is on again!! It's about time!! Unfortunately. My Okies lost on the first weekend. Notre Dame won. Two black marks to start out with. With any luck, the Sooners will triumph for the rest of the season and Notre Dame won't score another point. USC appears to be back in the driver's seat. Is there no one who can beat them? Maybe not.
As I write this, the U.S. Open Tennis championships are under weigh. Andy lost in the first round. Why does he do these strange things? At least the Americans are making a hearty charge this year. Maybe one of them will prevail. Let us hope.
The temperature in Delano continues to plummet toward the 80s. It's not enough to bitch about yet, but it won't be long until I'm whining.
As far as Katrina goes, as usual the media is providing total overkill on the coverage of the events there. It is, indeed, a terrible situation, but do we really need to hear about it 24/7? Has anyone heard anything about Aruba lately? Minimum coverage has been provided over the nominatiojn of a new Supreme Court Chief Justice. Roberts will be on the court long after Katrina is a bitter memory. I personally hope that they rebuild the Big Easy. I believe that they will. Maybe this time, they'll expend the funds to build an adequate levee system.
And so it goes.
The football season is on again!! It's about time!! Unfortunately. My Okies lost on the first weekend. Notre Dame won. Two black marks to start out with. With any luck, the Sooners will triumph for the rest of the season and Notre Dame won't score another point. USC appears to be back in the driver's seat. Is there no one who can beat them? Maybe not.
As I write this, the U.S. Open Tennis championships are under weigh. Andy lost in the first round. Why does he do these strange things? At least the Americans are making a hearty charge this year. Maybe one of them will prevail. Let us hope.
The temperature in Delano continues to plummet toward the 80s. It's not enough to bitch about yet, but it won't be long until I'm whining.
As far as Katrina goes, as usual the media is providing total overkill on the coverage of the events there. It is, indeed, a terrible situation, but do we really need to hear about it 24/7? Has anyone heard anything about Aruba lately? Minimum coverage has been provided over the nominatiojn of a new Supreme Court Chief Justice. Roberts will be on the court long after Katrina is a bitter memory. I personally hope that they rebuild the Big Easy. I believe that they will. Maybe this time, they'll expend the funds to build an adequate levee system.
And so it goes.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Say "MEOW"
So I settled in to watch the first college game of the year. Suddenly, the ESPN 'sportscasters' engaged in a debate on whether the Utah team should change it's name to keep from pissing off the NCAA. They droned on for 1/2 hour or more, finally shutting up at half time. Who cares what the Utah team is calling itself? I don't and I don't want to hear another debate by a herd of media pussies about it. Maybe, they could rename the team after the media dwarfs. They could be the "Utah dickweeds"!!
Fortune has once again smiled on our family. We are the recipients of two more children, ages 14 and 15. The migrated in from Kodiak, Alaska. They were supposed ot be staying with relatives, but through an unlikely sequence of events, they wound up with us. I'm not bitching about it. They are good kids. I'm sure we'll get along well together.
The WNBA season drags on and on. When will it go away? Please, please make it soon. Tonight the pussketball game carried over into the boxing match. BOOOO!
The weather in Delano is good once again. I am grateful.
Fortune has once again smiled on our family. We are the recipients of two more children, ages 14 and 15. The migrated in from Kodiak, Alaska. They were supposed ot be staying with relatives, but through an unlikely sequence of events, they wound up with us. I'm not bitching about it. They are good kids. I'm sure we'll get along well together.
The WNBA season drags on and on. When will it go away? Please, please make it soon. Tonight the pussketball game carried over into the boxing match. BOOOO!
The weather in Delano is good once again. I am grateful.
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