Let's review some of the possible causes of the recent cataclismic events happening to our country.
1. We have allowed the ACLU to take over our country.
2. We are allowing our babies to be killed.
3. We allow queers to marry.
4. Any reference to GOD or Christianity is in the process of being removed from all our government institutions.
5. School prayers are no longer allowed.
6. The most wretched court in the land, the ninth circuit court of appeals, has issued several decisions that are absolutely insane.
7. We listened to those tree hugging morons and didn't build any new refineries. We didn't build any new nuclear power plants. We are barred from drilling new wells in Alaska, California and off the east coast.
8. Idiots like Kennedy, Feinstein and Schumer try to hold our Senate hostage on a continuing basis.
I could go on for hours, but I think you get the drift. Our dumb-ass courts have allowed our country to be hijacked by the lunatic left. They have not only pissed off every real American, worse, they seem to have pissed off GOD. Now I am fully aware that weather phenomenon comes and goes. I am aware that some misguided flakes think that destroying our power base is just hunky dory. What I am telling you is, that like Sodom (sodomy leagalized) and Gomorrah, we could be reduced to rubble if we don't try to repair the damage done by the traitorous left.
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