Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Z & Z

I guess by now all of you have heard of the letter featuring zawahiri and al zarakawi. What it means is this...even if we cut and run from Iraq, the situation will not get better, it will get worse. Al Quaida's stated intent is to press on until it over runs Israel. Do we care? Well, what do you think their next target would be? Eventually, it will be the U.S. Even the sniveling cowards on the left will have to admit that they were wrong, wrong, wrong and the President was correct. You don't need an IQ of 160 to realize that we must eradicate the the terrorists. The real question is, where do you want to do it? Basra or Chicago? What will the liberal poltroons have to say when we are fighting the terrorists in Miami, Los Angeles and Kansas City? No doubt, they'll come up with a bunch of weasel-worded excuses and pusillanimous whining to try to justify their anti-American policies, but by then, it will be too late. Remember this little missive during the next election in 2008 and don't let the cowards into office.

Much ado is being made over the President's nomination of one of his close associate to the Supreme Court. Did anyone believe that he would appoint some one he didn't know? The far right are crying like babies. The far left are crying like babies. I would therefore conclude that she's just about right for the job. Everyone is whining about her not having any judicial experience. So what? That stogie bunch of dried up lawyers need someone that is not of their ilk to give a little balance to the court. Could it turn out to be a mistake? Sure, but that has happened before with people who were guaranteed to be conservative and turned out to be flaming liberals. The woman has not yet been interviewed by the senate. How the hell can you judge her without a hearing? I detect the rotten smell of media interference.

Is anybody shocked that the oil companies are reporting record profits? What is to be done? Well the suggestion that comes to mind is to reduce demand. How? Tap into an alternative energy source. What source? How the hell would I know? My job is to bitch and moan. I ain't no scientist.

My Okies lost again. This time to Texas. BOOOO. Maybe next year us Sooner fanatics will have something to cheer about. This year appears to be shot. I suspect it won't be long until USC falls from the ranks of the unbeaten. They've come too close too many times.

It is getting colder and colder here. Daytime temperatures barely reach the mid 80s. Winter is upon us. BOOOOO.

My two new kids are working out well. I don't understand what problem brought them to our door, but I do know that providence has smiled upon us. I haven't felt this good in years.

And so it goes.

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