Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Half a year has passed since I last made a blog entry. As predicted, the situation has deteriorated. Several states are seriously considering leaving our union because of the maniacal behaviour of our pretend president. He has surrounded himself witth communists, extreme liberals and muslims. Luckily, investigators are hot on his trail and he may soon be forced to resign after which he will inhabit a prison cell. If he is convicted, all that fake 'legislation' goes down the drain with him.

The weather has changed for the better with daytime temps in the low 100s. Our house is sold and we'll be moving to Vegas. Just in time to witness the political demise of Harry Reid, one of the nation's worrst Senators

This period in American history will forever be viewd as the most dismal. It should, however clean out a bunch of the rats who inhabit our captol.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

American Marxists

Well, say, out there, all you flamin' liberals, how's your boy working out for ya? As predicted, the liberal rats are deserting the obama boat. It is sinking. Unfortunately, it is going to take a big chunk of America with it. It will take us years to rebuild and overhaul the damage that this idiot has done in just one year. Don't forget to vote all those corrupt congressmen out of office later this year. How do you know which ones are corrupt? Follow the Marine Corp edict. "Do 'em all. Let god sort "em out." I believe that both parties are responsible for this wretched mess. Get rid of all of them.

My buddy back east is killing the trout. Damn, I wish I could be with him.

It's colder than a whore's heart here in Delano. This weather really sucks. At least we've gotten past the winter solstice so it should start to warm up soon.

Not much else happening. My health continues to decline. Oh, well. I gave up life as a porn writer. I guess I'll have to write about something else. Any suggestions?

I'm getting tired. I must listen to some Trish Trang videos. Ah retirement!

Sunday, November 08, 2009


It's like standing in the middle of a railroad track. You see the train coming, you know it is going to kill you if you don't stop it but you know you can't stop it by yourself. Come on people! Even the blindest of you must see what obama is doing to this country. He has already declared is allegiance to Islam. Now, he'll do his best to turn the whole country over to the Muslims. I'm too old and feeble to do it myself but surely there must be someone out there who can provide relief. I say a prayer every day asking God to help us out of this mess. I cannot understand why people listen to him. He is an obvious liar and a phony. Maybe our military will bail us out. HELP!!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Had Enough?

Well, we've had the communist in office for six months. Are all you dumb ass liberals happy? Prepare to kiss the Constitution goodbye. That is what the so-called health care initiative does. It isn't about health care. It's about obama grabbing as much power as he can get away with. The left wing media marches right on along with him. Do they know their constitutional guarantees are about to go down the drain? The far left couldn't be happier. obama is about to destroy several of those pesky amendments that always got in the way of a communist take over. Is the health care legislation unconstitutional? YES!!! Soy lent Green hovers just out of sight. Soon it will be reality. I would think that most liberals except the far left are starting to question the wisdom of putting an Indonesian in office. OOPS! Did I say Indonesian? Yup! The birth certificate has been found. Yup! He's an Indonesian. The time has come to dissolve the dumocrapic party and evict the usurper before he totally destroys us. The deletion of Teddy from the oxygen breathers was good news. Another anti-
American dick head gone! More good news, I'll probably croak before the miserable wretch does any real damage. Also, with the world scheduled to end in 2012, how much can the anti-Christ do to us?

Football season is zooming right along. I'm so happy! We have waited and waited and now, at last it is here and it is good. One super bright spot is the quarterback from USC, Sanchez, now a New York Jet. He is a magical figure who will be and super star in the near future.

The weather here still gets an "A". It is getting cooler but we are still in the mid nineties.

Once again, thanks to the idiot liberals who have saddled us with a foreign born communist.

I've gotta go pray.....and cry.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What? Again?

Once upon a time, a silvery tongued socialist decided he want to take over a country. Nobody knew exactly where he came from, but he charmed all the gullible young people and was soon elected. He had promised 'change' and change is what they got. He took over the medical system and destroyed what had been the finest health care system on earth. He ran up a huge national debt that enslaved the people by dedicating all their money to the government. He nationalized industry, bringing the economy to a halt. He confiscated all the private weapons. The change they voted for was not what they got. Their once prosperous nation became a third world power, bereft of money and national pride. Who was this guy? You probably think I'm writing about barack obama. NO! I'm writing about Adolph Hitler, leader of the National socialist party. (NAZI) The country he destroy is Germany which is now clawing its way back to capitalism. Small minded dictators can completely destroy a powerful country if there are enough stupid people. Does any of this sound familiar?

Sunday, July 05, 2009


Yes, I am writing my Independence Day blog a day late. That is because I refuse to mention that foul beast who has invaded our White House on a day when we celebrate freedom. I wonder if those dumb-ass liberals are happy and proud about shoving an African down the throat of the American people. Notice I didn't say African-American. That is because this illegal pile of dung came to us direct from Kenya. Evidence is mounting against the usurper and I fully expect that by Christmas, he'll be gone. I pray that by Christmas he'll be gone. Evidence has come to light that he lied about who he was and where he was from on a government college grant. He cannot produce a certificate of birth proving he was born in the United States. He is a closet Muslim, having sworn that if push came to shove he would embrace Islam. Of course our communist Congress will do nothing about him. I am hopeful that the courts will oust him. Six months worth of this idiot should be enough to convince even left wingers that he was a really bad choice. How much irreparable damage does he have to do before we ask him to leave? Thanks a lot Democrats! With any luck this will cause the destruction of your miserable socialist party. Our Union is in serious trouble. Several states are seriously considering secession because of this dope and his courts. I am hoping Montana or Texas will secede so I can immigrate there. By the way, how many of your liberal friends will admit to voting for him now? The percentage drops every day. And, a recent pole has shown that Pelosi is the most unpopular woman in this country. Gee, what a surprise!

We must wait another two and a half months until pro football summer starts It seems like a life time. It looks like Steve McNair pissed off his girl friend so she blew him away and then offed herself. McNair was a really good quarterback and a really good guy. Women have no respect for football!

The weather here is great. It is over 100 everyday. Delano gets an "A"!

The rumors about a top secret aircraft flying out of Area 51 just won't go away. Apparently this thing can cruise at mach 10 on the fringes of space. Here in this part of California many of us have seen the "donuts on a string" contrail from something flying very high and very fast. We have felt the ground shake. Seismologists say it's not earthquakes.

What's with all this 'green' stuff. I don't know what it means but it is definitely annoying. I suspect someone is raking in a bundle because of it. I like some green stuff like chili peppers, okra, cabbage and bleu cheese.

Here are some culinary definitions for you:
Al dente=not cooked enough
garlic=foul, smelly, inedible weed
anchovy=nasty little bait fish also suitable for garden fertilizer

The only real joy in my life these days is as a smut writer. I have now published 140 stories and poems. Yes, poems. Even rotten old bastards have their soft moments. If you want a shot of erotica, let me know and I'll give you directions.

My loving wife got fed up and shaved off my beard. Despite my protests she has gone back to work. She brings in some pretty good money but it wears her little ass out. On the other hand, I get to massage her and rub her down.

That's it for tonight. Proof reading this blog makes me think I am mellowing out. Probably because my I.Q. is slipping. Boo. Hiss.


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Talking Heads

Yes, I am speaking of the media in general and the sports media in particular. It is indeed unfortunate that in all the talking heads on TV, radio and print, there is not a single, solitary brain. Let me explain to you what sports is not.
1. It is not eating contests. Those belong on the food channel.
2. It is not spelling bees. They're cute. They're smart. But they ain't sports The education channel should be their home.
3. It is not 'fantasy' games. Fantasy games should be on the game show channel or maybe the Disney channel.
4. It is not interviews with actors.

The media does provide some amusement as they try to peddle, women's sports, soccer and hockey to the populace. These things are sports but hold no interest for 90% of the American sports viewers. The media is, however, persistent. They've been trying to choke us with this pap for thirty years.

The media loves to destroy our views of boxing by giving us under-the-ring rope shots at critical moments. 'Pocket cam" shots in pool tournaments. Ground level shots at football games. And then there is the constant, inane yammering of announcers who delight in making truly stupid remarks and asking unbelievably dumb questions. They also allow those annoying 'nags' onto our screens during games. I know they are greedy, but really! They have a tendency to make a huge deal out of minor mistakes and comments made by the real athletes and their staffs. Latest example: Lebron didn't shake hands with they enemy after losing the series. So what? Did that deserve the week's worth of crap and controversy that the media invented? All in all, the media are a bunch of thin skinned morons who can't find real sports stories and so have to invent them. If I were a media mogul. I'd fire myself!