Wednesday, November 10, 2004

test shot

This is more or less a test shot to find out if you lucky readers can post commentary about my calm, serene meanderings. Try to control yourselves, remember, I know where you live.

Calamansi season is upon us along with persimmon time. Norma went out yesterday and picked two six gallon buckets of calamansi. She's been squeezing juice out of them ever since. It'll take her days and days to finish them. HAHAHAHAHA. No calamansi squeezer I. Too much work. For those of you who are unenlightened, calamansi is the Filippino version of the lemon. It has lots of seeds and is only the size of the end of your thumb. It makes a really good juice for lemonade or in mixed drinks, but it is a pain in the butt to squeeze. It is far more sour than a lemon, so if you are going to try them, exercise caution.

My grandson finally got the printer we sent him for his birthday (it was on the 7th). It's hard to believe that it takes that long to ship stuff. What do they use that shipping money for??? Beers for the boys, no doubt.

The mainstream media is once again out of step with reality. They whine about Gitmo. They whine about Iraq. The thing that pisses me off is that the pansies doing the loudest whining have never been there and ain't about to go. It should be obvious to the most casual observer that if you want a war story, you go to the war. You do not sit passing gas through your waffle-bottom chair and query Europe about our progress. If those morons knew anything, we'd still be an English colony surrounded by the Spanish and the flimsy French. Speaking of Europeans, why should we listen to anything that limp-wristed bunch pussies has to say? About every forty or fifty years, we wind up saving their sorry butts from some horror they've let themselves in for. Then we have to rebuild their industry and infrastructure, just so they can cut our throats in the marketplace. Next time they get their tits in a crack, we ought to let them sink like a brick.

Time to go. Can't wait to see if this comments deal works.