Thursday, November 27, 2008


Yes, a great big thanks to the American voters who have once again demonstrated their abject stupidity by electing a Muslim who is totally unfit for the job. Unfortunately, unlike Carter, a completely naive moron or Clinton, who kept us amused with his immoral behavior, this one is dangerous and could easily cause the downfall of our nation. So thanks again, idiots. This time you'll get what you deserve!

Thanks are also due to the guys who have insisted on buying Japanese cars for the last forty years. I know they're slick and tight and all that crap but by your purchasing choices you have almost destroyed the American auto industry. Good riddance, you say? We'll see what you have to say when our economy totally crashes.

Thanks too, to the ambulance chasing shysters who have caused almost irreparable damage to our domestic private aircraft industry and are largely responsible for the ninety five page contracts it takes to buy anything. The Eagles were right when they said, "Kill all the lawyers, kill 'em tonight!"

On a lighter note, I just watched the Titans destroy Detroit. This is the equivalent of stepping on a bug. Detroit is the worst team in NFL history and beating them is like beating the South Succotash grade school team.

My partner back east has been killing the trout. He has also offered to send me some frozen fillets when the run is over. Of course, I quickly accepted.

I guess that's about all I have to be thankful for. Happy thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wish This!

So this herd of wanna be football fans are sitting around one day wishing they were real football heroes. This particular group of under achievers decided that they would embark on a project that would make them all seem to be real football people. Thus was born "Fantasy Football". At least they got the name right. Now, every week countless wanna be gridiron stars sit around and pretend they've got teams and are playing games. What kind of nonsense is this? Even the sports networks get involved in this folderol. This 'game' belongs on the cartoon channels. It should not take up space and time reserved for legitimate sports. Who really cares if Joe Magee got his 'football' team right. It is a wisp of wind. It isn't there. You say you like fantasy football? Fine, take this dunce cap and go sit in the corner.

As time marches on we are getting closer to the day when college football grows up and gets a play off system. It'll break the hearts of the sports writers because they won't get to jam their opinions down our throats. What makes sports writers think they are superior to us poor inept plebes? Remember that just because you can recite the jock sizes of everybody in the NFL, doesn't make you one little bit better than the guy drinking beer and watching the games with a bag full of pork rinds.

The weather is foul. It barely creeps up to 70 and then plummets back into the abyss. Yuck. I'm too far North. Wish you were here, instead of me. Delano scores a D-.

The idiot that is president elect is bringing back all those failed liberals and installing them in his cabinet. This is going to be one hell of a mess before it's over. I just hope we can survive four years with a genuine maniac at the controls. The last time I felt this way I was crouching in a revetment at Ben Hoa waiting for the mortars to fall. Boo, Hiss!

That's enough whining for one night. Y'all have fun now, heah?

Friday, November 07, 2008


To say that I am dismayed by the results of the last election is like comparing a drop of urine to the Pacific Ocean. I completely misjudged the American people. When Carter was elected, we had bumbling incompetence. We all laughed through four years of idiocy. When Clinton was elected, we laughed at a horny buffoon for eight years. This time the Democrats have served us a wretched beast who will do his best to destroy this country. My advice is to take any money you may have in the market, the bank. or anywhere else, buy a big gun safe and put your bucks in there until he goes away.

How long will it be until he publicly swears his allegiance to Islam? How long will it be until he betrays our military secrets to the Arabs? This beast is the biggest, worst crisis our country has ever faced.

I am intensely pissed off at the idiots who voted for him. How could anyone be that damned stupid? Make note of the clowns who are currently crowing about their great "victory". This time next year ask them who they voted for. There will be double digit interest rate, double digit inflation and double digit unemployment. So congratulations you stupid, ignorant cowards. You have handed our country to Islam.

There is one bright spot in the far distance. If we manage to survive as a nation for four years, it is likely that the American people will be so pissed off at the democrats that they'll be forced to disband. The liberal terror will be over and we can go back to good times in the country I love.