Thursday, December 30, 2004

At last

Christmas has come and gone at last. Now, we have new years looming in the near future. Then Valentines day, Easter, blah, blah blah. Endless holidays designed to perform several wallet-dectomies on you. Mugged by Santa. Robbed by sweethearts. Even the rabbit gets in his punches. It's a wonder that there are any men left standing by the Fourth of July. At least these interludes of thievery bring an occasional good meal. I remember with fuzzy fondness the good old days when I was traveling overseas and could basically ignore all these holidays. Now I'm trapped, just like the rest of you chumps, here in the land of plenty o' gimmee.

Only a couple of months until spring. I can't wait. I must apologize to you weather fans. I only thought it was cold here. It was 4 below in Mexico last night. The daytime temp here is around 60. I still get to watch the weather channel and laugh my ass off.

Unbelievable disaster in southeast Asia. Phu Ket was one of my favorite spots on earth. Now its destroyed. They say it may take 10 years to recover and rebuild. The videos of the calamity are horrendous.

No fishing yet. My spies back east say that they'll have an excellent trout season if they don't get frozen out. What's the deal with skiing? How could anyone want to go out in sub-zero weather just to slither down an ice covered mountain on two boards? Pure idiocy!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Holiday Cheer

First, I want to wish my fellow bloggers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Christmas has always been and always will be a special time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some secularists, who do not believe in the Lord, have been trying with all their might to destroy Christmas and pretend it is a "winter break" or some such nonsense. If you encounter one of these immoral individuals, remember, they are on the slippery slope. If they continue their goddless ways, they have no hope. In the meanwhile, the rest of us will celebrate our Holy Day in the honored and traditional manner.

I will assume that some of you are now forced to agree with me that the weather definitely sucks. It has been painfully cold in most of the nation. Even the southland has been turned into a deep freeze. The situation here is better than most of the country. The next time you see one of those global warming nuts, punch him in the suck. Tell him Bassbelly told you to do it.

We are at the apex of the citrus season. My spies bring me bags of oranges, grapefruits, lemons and tangerines. We are eternally grateful for each and every bag of fruit. Thanks, guys and girls!!

I get no fishing reports from anywhere now. The deep freeze has brought that to a halt. When I was younger and a lot dumber, I would wait for this kind of weather to go goose hunting because all the wimps stayed home. I am afraid I have now joined the ranks of the wimps.

If you pray, say a little prayer for our troops fighting overseas. We are free because of them.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


There is an entity on this earth that is the most dangerous in the history of the world. It threatens our way of life and maybe our very existence. Is it the commies? Is it the muslims? Is it the red chinese? NONONO. It is the ACLU. They are the greatest evil ever faced by our country. They have burrowed their way into the very fabric of American society. They have taken over our courts. They hold every city, county and state hostage to their anti-American agenda. Is there a way to stop them? Sure. Ask your lawyer if he/she is a member of the ACLU. If the answer is "yes", get another lawyer. That's right, fire the SOB. Lawyers don't understand much outside of the mumbo-jumbo they call "juris prudence", but they understand money. There are 300,000 members of the ACLU. Dry up their funds and you dry up the nonsense they have wrought upon us. It really is the American Communist Lawyer's Union, you know. They have taken up the cause of the secularists. 30 years ago if these clowns had tried what they are doing today, they would have been lynched. 30 years of steady erosion of morals has given them an agenda to change our history, our society, the fiber of Americanism. I am not going to preach about the rightness or wrongness of any religion. I don't feel it is my job to make such judgements. I will, however, identify the evils that are lurking in our world and try to come up with viable solutions. The ACLU must be stopped. One way or another.

Sad to say, we are drifting into the end of the football season. I just don't feel right when I can't watch football. Maybe they should start a summer league. That way, we'd have about two weeks off in the spring and two weeks off in late summer. It would give us some time to get reacquainted with our wives and children. But not too much time. I keep getting these bad feelings about basketball and baseball. They seem to be populated with drug abusers and criminals. I'm not claiming that the NFL isn't. I just don't think that, on a percentage basis, these traits are as pervasive.

And now for my weather observation. It sucks.

Oh well

Monday, December 13, 2004


So what's the deal with the FCC electronically blanking out the nipples on bare breasted women? Who are they protecting? Very small children get a real close-up view of nipples when they nurse. The older children are fully aware of what a bare breast looks like and what it's for. That is due, in part, because of recent court rulings that allow women to nurse in public. How, exactly, do they do that without whipping out a titty? Titties aside, I think it is reprehensible for the FCC to censor almost everything that comes to us on cable. After all, we pay for it. I think the FCC censors are just a bunch of uptight prudes who's missioon in life is to make us as miserable as possible. As far as complaints from viewers go, if they don't like it, punch the remote button and watch something else. Why should a vast majority of TV users be subjected to the views o f a few disgruntled idiots? This isn't freedom. It is a totalitarian set of rules created by an aggressive, unbending government. It is completely rigid and unforgiving. FCC, BOOOOOOO!!!

Sunday football was great!! My Seahawks won and Dallas lost. It doesn't get any better than that. And how about those Giants? Switching to a new quarterback isn't what makes their management true morons. Staying with the rooky is what makes them morons. They've got a real live hall-of-fame quarterback (Warner) sitting on the bench while their poor young rooky(Manning) goes out and gets his ass kicked every weekend. That isn't fair to the team, the fans and most of all to Manning. The coach, I.Q. almost zero, will probably not be with them next year.

Now for my usual statement about the weather. It sucks.

Oh well

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Well, bye bye

It looks as though we are finally going to rid ourselves of the whole sordid Peterson drama. It is likely that he'll get the death penalty. Then, we won't hear from him again until they publish his book. It'll take 20 or 25 years to actually execute his sorry ass. He'd probably die sooner if they give him life. Such is the justice system in California.

I guess the whole country except southern California got dumped on by the same weather system thaat inundated the Philippines early this month. Even though it is still cold here, I still get the chance to watch the weather channel and laugh my ass off. I still have the miserable cold. It is getting better thanks to my short sweety. It is clear and sunny here. The temperature is a chilly 65. 2 1/2 months to go until winter crumps. I can hardly wait.

If I had a million bucks, I'd give about 50k to the police officer who gunned down that idiot who went berserk at the heavy metal concert. He has done the country a great service. As a bonus, we won't be overwhelmed by 24/7 news coverage of the murderer and everybody who ever knew him.

December 7 slipped by with hardly any notice of the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Have we become so chummy with the Japanese that we're willing to forget the atrocities they commited in the middle of the last century? December 7 should be a national holiday and a day of remembering the sorrow and death caused by the invaders.

My fishing buddy in North Carolina reports that the fishing has greatly improved over the last few weeks. He fishes mostly for the spotted weakfish, known locally as "trout." North Carolina had great fishing. Almost anywhere you dropped a line in the water you could catch fish. Another fishing surprise was upstate New York. Buffalo didn't have much going for it, but it did have some great fishing.

It looks like the Sooners will play USC for the national championship. Go Sooners! I have the perfect solution to the championship mess in NCAA football. Instead of playing all those out of conference games at the beginning of the season, why don't they start conference play at the beginning and save the non-conference stuff for after the conference champions are determined? That would give them about4 games to decide who's best. They could structure the playoffs so that the various bowls would get a crack at them and then rotate the championship game through the different bowls. Too easy?

Saturday, December 04, 2004


How did we ever allow our major religious holiday, Christmas, the celebration of the birth of our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, to fall into the hands of the ACLU and the courts? Just about 2% of the people in these United States have a squawk against this holiday. That, by my calculation, leaves 98% who are for it. The 2% needs to be sat down and given a little lesson in "majority rules." We need to educate those judges who make truly stupid decisions in this regard. If they can't be educated, they should be impeached. Taking Christ out of Christmas started when we allowed the shortcut, Xmas, to gain a foothold. Some of the idiots who want to erase "Merry Christmas" and replace it with "happy holidays" are trying to be politically correct. The time has come to dump political correctness and embrace sanity. If the secularists don't want to celibrate Christmas, fine. They can have their "happy holiday" in February. I can seee no good reason to allow these bufoons to take over our #1 holiday. By the way, what do you think those ungodly dregs will say when they find out that "holiday" really means "holy day."

As long as I'm bitching about something besides the weather,(its still cold), I may as well put in my 2 cents worth about the Boy Scouts. The ACLU and a handful of pro-active judges are now attempting to totally destroy the Boy Scouts. The reason for this is that the Boy Scouts don't allow openly gay men to be scoutmasters. The reason is simple. If you don't reproduce, you must recruit. We don't need a herd of queers recruiting our youth into a life style that is completely abnormal.

Gosh, did I say "queers?" I did it on purpose. They have hijacked the word 'gay' because they didn't like the 'queer' tag that they had earned. Gay really means light hearted and happy. You see very few of these guys who are really happy. For the most part, they are a sad, sick bunch of mentally defective nuts. Of course we could call them "homosexuals", but that takes too long to spell, like "Christmas." Do you think I am homophobic? That would imply that I am afraid of them, since a phobia is an irrational fear of something. While I have no desire to hunt them down and thump them soundly, I certainly would not run from them. In fact, most of them, when confronted, display what I call "normalphobia." They will always run from normal people unless they have at least a tweny to one advantage.

Today is football day. Today I get to watch my mighty Sooners destroy the Buffaloes of Colorado. USC will soundly trounce UCLA. Auburn will most likely beat Tennessee. The wretched Irish will lose.
What has happened to the Washington Huskies? For years they were right at the top of the PAC10. Now, they dwell in the cellar. Next year, a new coach will attempt to bring them back into promenence. If he attempts that 'finesse' stuff, he'll bite the dust too. Washington was never a finesse team. They were always rough, tough giant players who enjoyed getting other teams into the mud and then squashing them.
The plot thickens around the steroid-filled baseball players. How many of them will be dragged down by this stupidity? Time will tell.

Friday, December 03, 2004

One good whine...

I got a couple of replies whining about my whining about the weather. The only useful suggestion was from the guy who told me to move to the Philippines. That was exactly my plan when I retired. Like Murphy says, "Every man has a plan that will not work." My plan was sunk by a heart attack. It is the same condition that keeps me pinned in this wretched valley. As for the guy who told me to "enjoy the balmy weather", bad weather is a matter of perspective. When you are used to tempertures around 105 degrees in the day time and overnight lows of 80, 55 or 60 is a miserable, cold bitch. I am considering trying to move to Sequim, Washington. I know that the weather is bad by our standards, but the fishing is good. I know it's colder on the average. It is not, however, wetter. Sequim gets the same annual rainfall as Los Angeles. As far as the fog goes, there is no worse fog on earth, and I have seen a goodly portion of it, that is as bad as the fog here. When you can't see the end of your hood, that's bad. Summing up, I will continue to whine about the weather until March or so. Then, once again, I can look at the televised weather reports and laugh my ass off.

Listen up, media pukes. WE DON"T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT SCOTT PETERSON!!!!! You have been beating us over the head with this idiocy for months. Every talking head on the tube has given his/her "expert" analysis of this case. Do we really need to hear anymore? NONONONO.

Another football weekend looms ahead. I will watch my Okies drub the Colorado wimps mercilessly. Tennessee has a chance of beating Auburn, but they'll have to get a little lucky to do it. USC will doubtless win again. Notre Dame will lose. Boo Hoo Hoo
Those super men of baseball are about to bite the big one. Turns out, they're a bunch of dopers. This is just what baseball needs. A drug scandal. Rats.

In an attempt to clean up his low-life image, michael moore has shaved and is wearing a suit. It won't work. Ann Richards, one time governeor of Texas once said "You can put lipstick on a pig. You can dress it in a party dress. You can perfume it, but it's still a pig!"

Aside from a bad, bad cold, I'm doing alright. I don't know how Norma has escaped it. She's gotta be, like really tough. She really takes excellent care of me. I am lucky to have her. I love her toooooo much!

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Bug out!!

There I sat enjoying my breakfast (a glass of tomato juice) when I detected some movement on the wall. I got up to inspect it and found that thousands of tiny vermin had invaded my home. ANTS!!! We have some definite ant problems in this valley. As soon as the good weather goes away, we are besieged by ants. Once they are in the house, it is impossible to evict them. We must wait for summer. Thank God winter is only 2 or 3 months long. I think next summer I will expend some serious money and time to see if I can bump all the little bastards off before the chill of winter sets in again.

Winter in the San Joaquin valley sucks!! We have lots of rain, fog and low, low temperatures. Even in the daytime our temperature often doesn't exceed 60 degrees. It is too cold to swim. Too cold to exercise outdoors. Too cold for anything useful. Luckily, I am an excellent couch potato, so I can hide inside all winter if need be.

98%. That is the number of people in a recent O'Reilly poll who think the young marine who shot the terrorist while being taped should be left alone. No court marshal. Maybe they should decorate him for doing exactly the right thing at exactly the right time. A couple of days later, one of his fellow marines was killed in a situation just like the one that got him into trouble. Don't those moralist jerks know what war means? One thing it means is bumping off anyone who might be a threat to you or your comrades. Only two days before this incident, this marine was shot in the face by a terrorist. It's a wonder he didn't kill everybody in that miserable town. I would have. The military claims that they are all for embedded journalists. I think it is a big mistake to have a group of morons with cameras galloping about the battlefield.

I couldn't believe that my Raiders knocked off the Broncos. I bet the Broncos can't believe it either. The University of Washington is looking for a new coach. Back in the good old days when Don James was the coach, UW was a rough, tough group who could play with anyone. This new guy, like the idiot at Nebraska, has installed a "finesse" offense. It does not work! Once again, for clarity, it does not work!! Both of these coaches will be down the road kickin' cans next year. Maybe they could cross-train into ballet teachers.

Only 3 1/2 weeks to Christmas. Bend over.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Abroad II

As I was saying before I was so rudely interupted. Why are these broads appearing as announcers at football games? They have invaded the ranks of both college and pro. There is room for them in the world of sports reporting. It is called "women's sports." Don't they understand that one of the main reasons men watch sports if to get away from them, if only for a little while. I understand that the feminazis and the ACLU have, with the permission of the liberal courts, conspired to weasel their way into this moment of quiet. They are even forced to allow women into the dressing rooms. I know that some will say I am a misogynist, but that is simply not true. I just want a little relief. Maybe I'm a chauvinist. I don't watch women's sports. They are generally slow and powerless. The one sport wherein women out perform men by a wide margin is "talking."

The wretched Irish have lost again. This time, it was to USC. Life is good. The USC quarterback threw for 400 yards and 5 touchdowns. hahahahaha. Not that I dislike Notre Dame, but I dislike Notre Dame.

Yesterday it rained like a cow pissing on a flat rock. Today it is cool, but sunny. Winter sucks. They should ship everybody who thinks winter is fun to Canada. That way, they could be cold all the time and, as a bonus, they could quit thinking.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Why, oh why?

I wish I could watch the news without having to endure another analysis of why the democrats lost. It should be obvious to the most casual observer that kerry lost because of kerry. He was identified early on as a big time anti military spender with lousy ideas. He was shown to continuously waffle on all issues. He thinks he lost because of the Ben Laden tape, or the boat people movie, or pregnant chads....etc, etc. etc.. Nobody lost it for him. He lost it himself. Unlike the career explosion of dean, he slowly burned himself to the ground. So stop it already. We've heard enough from the losers.

At last, we get to witness the departure of Dan Blather. Most conservatives have awaited this moment for years. He has performed several stupid spectacles in his career, but this latest one finally got him. So long, chump.

You will notice that the entire continent is colder than a whores heart. It's too bad we stopped losing the ozone layer. We need warmth. I believe that what is happening is global cooling. The environmental nuts are wrong. If we have global warming, why isn't it warm? The "experts" have been babbling on and on for a couple of decades about the myth of global warming. Hey there, experts....Shut up.

I bet the prison officials where Martha Stewart is incarcerated are really unhappy. That is because when K-Mart and Sears merged, Martha made thirty million dollars over night. The idiots that put her in prison won't see thirty million in their lifetimes. I wonder if they are resting easier now that this dangerous criminal is behind bars. I know I sure am.

Only five weeks until Christmas. ugh.

Well, the fools at PETA are asking us all to have a vegetarian Thanksgiving and forgo the turkeys. What is the matter with those bufoons? They want us to stop hunting, fishing, eating any kind of meat. I think they are even against eggs. What's going to happen when those morons discover that flowers display some measure of displeasure when they are cut? No more flowers? No more vegetables? That only leaves water and air. If they want to survive on only air and water, I say let's encourage them to try it. A good fool is a dead fool.

I can hardly wait for springtime. I have a burning desire to go fishing again. I know I'll get to go when I visit Spokane again. My brother has a boat. I want to try surf perch fishing again. We caught a bunch of them the last time I went, but that was several years ago. Yup, next spring I will leap into action and give it a try.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Dan who?

Let's see....there is a war in Iraq, we are hunting the #1 terrorist in the world in Afghanistan, the southeastern U.S. is flooded and expecting tornados, and Greenspan has crashed the stock market. What are the talking heads on network news babbling non-stop about? Why it's the firing of Dan Blather, one of the more useless individuals on televison. To make matters worse, we'll be hearing about this bufoon all day, every day until his exit in March. Then there will be the "specials" and documentaries. This is a graphic demonstration of what the tv newsies think of the American people. I wonder why they believe that news people are worth more than real people.

So the main criminal in the basketball fiasco got suspended for a year. Now the lawsuits will fly as the lawyers extract maximum cash from all parties and the courts will get their pound of flesh too. Several messages left on this blog have asked why I didn't blame the parents also. Well, I forgot. But they were right! I should have placed a lot of the blame for this on the soccer moms and baseball dads. They are the ones who have initial responsibility for the behaviour of their children. Then there is our super liberal court system. If one of these maniacs is brought before the bar of justice, chances are pretty good that they'll get a light tap on the wrist and be turned loose again to practice their evil. If you gave every player in the NBA and the NFL the same kind of legal treatment that everybody else gets, there would be a major drop in sports related crime. We desperately need to stop coddling these morons from day one. It starts at home and continues through their mostly useless lives.

My fishing buddy back in North Carolina reports that the fishing there is improving. If I can make a trip back there next summer, I'll have to check it out.

Sunday, November 21, 2004


The disgusting displays of violence on the basketball court and the gridiron confirm what I've said all along. "Pro" athletes are a bunch of pampered, low IG'd goons who would be in prison if they weren't coddled their whole lives by teams, coaches and their mommies. How in the hell can you justify taking millions of dollars to PLAY a GAME and then react like a bunch of neanderthals? Of course, I've got a fix for it. Every sport at every level needs to levy some heavy penalties for this kind of behaviour. In professional sports, fighting should result in immediate and indefinite suspension and a heavy fine. Since they're "pros" 50 grand doesn't sound too steep. At the college level, a ten game suspension should solve the problem. Athletes don't understand much, but they do understand money. At the high school level, immediate and unconditional release from the team should do it. May as well nip it in the bud. This goes for all sports including hockey. Boxing is the sole exception. It might help if the "players" were assured that they'd get to spend their off time in jail for assault. Too harsh? Tough!

Several of you requested access to the comment portion of the blog. I have now provided it, but have seen little result. Don't you guys have anything to say about all this nonsense? If I get no comments, I will have to conclude that I am 100% right all the time!! That means I'll get even more egotistical and will bloviate at length. Oh well.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


It seems the liberals are suffering from Post Election Stress Disorder. One idiot in Washington D.C. even commited suicide because of it. More liberals should follow his lead. We are extremely fortunate that the liberals do not control either house of congress. If they did, they would doubtless generate some huge government agency, at great expense, to deal with it. The mental health doctors are recommending lots of mental assistance. I agree. Most liberals need lots and lots of mental help. Of course if they were completely cured, they'd be conservatives and would no longer be the victims of PESD.

kerry is now blaming Osama Ben Laden for his recent total defeat. He's probable got PESD too.

My Okies won again. Every week they look a little stronger. If they get to play in the national champoinship game, they'll definitely kick ass. There is no way the can miss. They've got the best quarterback and the best running back in the country..

Alan Greeenspan, the most powerful person on earth, has thrown a great big kink into the stock market again. Every time he has a meeting, I hold my breath to see if the Alan giveth or the Alan taketh away.

Are you counting the days until spring? I am. When I was a kid and a lot dumber than I am now, I thought all that cold weather stuff was great. We used to play in the snow. We used to hunt in the snow. We even used to fish in really bad weather. Time and experience has shown the follie of these nonsensical manuevers. I hope those environmental nitwits are right. We could definitely use some global warming. There isn't anything we can do about it anyway. According to geologists, thes warming and cooling periods are a natural phenomenon. Oh well

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Condoleeza and ?

It looks like President Bush has named Condoleeza Rice as his next secretary of state. I think it is an excellent choice. She is currently his national security advisor and is used to dealing with the bums overseas.

Speaking of bums, the latest inane babblings of Chirac are now dribbling through TV land. What a bufoon. I suspect that the investigation into the U.N. food for oil debacle will reveal that good ole Chirac has pocketed a few euros from this scam.

Speaking of the U.N., isn't it time to kick those a--holes out of our country? We get damned little cooperation from them. We fund them heavily. They are a hotbed of spies with immunity. The secretary general is corrupt.Most of the security council is corrupt. I think a great place to relocate them would be Paris. France deserves it. North Korea wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

Speaking of North Korea, why are we taking any horse shit from this gang of murdering criminals? The time is fast approaching when we will have to deal with them on a bomb to commie basis. There is no time like the present. Same goes for Iran. There is no use in talking to these kinds of rogues. The only thing they understand is raw power. We should show them some. These two countries are prime examples of what can happen to you if you allow a single group of politicians to dominate your country.

Speaking of domination, have you noticed that the secularists, lead by the ACLU, are starting to try to dominate the will of the American people? The time has come to erradicate this infection of our society. If they want to live somewhere where there is total separation of church and state, again, North Korea would be a great place to relocate them. I'm no Bible thumper, but I do believe in God, just as our founding fathers did. This country was founded on Christian principles and if unrestricted it, too, could run amok, our Christian principles are what make this country great.

Speaking of this great country, remember that it is OUR great country. Immigrants should be required to learn our language and blend into our culture. There is no reason for us to have to adapt to them. If I wanted to speak Spanish, I'd go to Spain! Aliens, especially illegal aliens, have no right to push around the majority population of our country. Don't you think it is time to reverse the courts and take our country back? Not to do so would mean the end of us as a nation.

Speaking of the end, this is it.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Misc. B.S.

The fight for Faluja is almost over. Of course, the chief bad guys got away. I have a solution to this problem of the main idiots escaping. Here it is: When we know which village these a__holes are in, we hit the town with a low-yield nuke. Before we implement this policy, we let it be known what's going to happen to your little village if we suspect that the big jerks are there. That way, the locals would no longer be willing to hide them for fear that they would suddenly disappear in a nuclear cloud. It would serve notice to terrorists world-wide that we are crazy enough to blow their whole damn country apart if it means getting one of the main perps. Does that make me a hawk? I hope so.

As time marches on, I began to suspect that my IQ was dropping. So I took a couple of those tests on the internet, and sure enough, I'm off about 20 points. That means that in 20 years, I'll be just as dumb as everybody else. Does that sound egotistical? I hope so.

Most of my favorite pro football teams got their butts kicked this weekend. I'm glad that I'm not a betting man. I'd be living in a cardboard box and eating cat food.

Thanksgiving is getting closer. It is the perfect holiday for us fat guys. We can just eat everything in sight and nobody cares. The rest of the year, we get lectured on the virtues of celery and carrot sticks. eeewwwww.

Of course if Thanksgiving is approaching, so is Christmas. I find it hard to believe that upon the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, a fat guy in a red suit appeared and, after sneaking around a fir tree in his eight rendeer powered sled, started distributing presents to every body in sight. Where did we get such a notion? How many holly trees are in the middle east? Ans: zero. Well, tis the season to be jolly, so I guess I'll suck it up again. HOHOHO. No, that is a laugh, not a reference to your girlfriend. does that make me a grinch? Oh well.

I am sure we are all saddened to witness the departure of Colin Powell from the State Dept.. He is a truly great and honorable man. Maybe he'll run for President. If he does, he's got my vote.
It is rare that we get some one with his integrity, honesty and experience in a high position.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Whining? Who, me?

I recently got this blog set up so that my loyal readers could make comments on it. Wouldn't you know that the very first comment was whining about my whining. He wants more sports. So do I. However, there are damn few sports to participate in here in the San Joaquin valley. There isn't much water for fishing and what there is is hard to get to. I'll try surf fishing next spring, but as for now, nope. The waters I fish have to be really accessible because I can't get to them due to physical limitations. I even had to sell my boat because I couldn't get to it. Besides, my header promises whining and it's mostly whining you'll get until next spring. If I go hunting, it'll have to be in a different state. Hunting in California resembles a trip to Iraq. Everybody's shooting at everything. Scared the hell out of me and that ain't easy. So much for the opening sob-story.

Well, they found Scott Peterson guilty which is bad news for TV viewers since it means we'll have to go through the whole sentencing, appeals, analysis and other court related nonsense. I guess our only hope for relief from all this insane yammer is if someone bumps him off in jail.

My Okie football team is winning and winning. They are stronger this year than last year. I'd like to see them knock off USC in the championship game. They may not get there, though, because Auburn looks awfully tough and may wind up at the top of the heap. Wisconsin got rubbed out, so they are no longer unbeaten. Then there is Boise State. and Utah. I wonder how they would do against some PAC Ten or Big Eight schools. Notre Dame took gas again. hahahaha

Cheney hit the hospital today and the media immediately concluded that he had a heart attack. Turned out to be not much. We're lucky the stock market wasn'y open. That bunch of flimsy dweebs on Wall Street would have panicked for sure.

Yaser Arafat, chief middle east obstructionist and all round idiot finally croaked. Maybe Castro will follow suit. We can only hope. The middle east is beyond doubt the most screwed up area in the world. I think the only way to bring peace there is to nuke them into non-existence and then rope the place off for a few thousand years. Does that make me a warmonger or am I just being practical?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

test shot

This is more or less a test shot to find out if you lucky readers can post commentary about my calm, serene meanderings. Try to control yourselves, remember, I know where you live.

Calamansi season is upon us along with persimmon time. Norma went out yesterday and picked two six gallon buckets of calamansi. She's been squeezing juice out of them ever since. It'll take her days and days to finish them. HAHAHAHAHA. No calamansi squeezer I. Too much work. For those of you who are unenlightened, calamansi is the Filippino version of the lemon. It has lots of seeds and is only the size of the end of your thumb. It makes a really good juice for lemonade or in mixed drinks, but it is a pain in the butt to squeeze. It is far more sour than a lemon, so if you are going to try them, exercise caution.

My grandson finally got the printer we sent him for his birthday (it was on the 7th). It's hard to believe that it takes that long to ship stuff. What do they use that shipping money for??? Beers for the boys, no doubt.

The mainstream media is once again out of step with reality. They whine about Gitmo. They whine about Iraq. The thing that pisses me off is that the pansies doing the loudest whining have never been there and ain't about to go. It should be obvious to the most casual observer that if you want a war story, you go to the war. You do not sit passing gas through your waffle-bottom chair and query Europe about our progress. If those morons knew anything, we'd still be an English colony surrounded by the Spanish and the flimsy French. Speaking of Europeans, why should we listen to anything that limp-wristed bunch pussies has to say? About every forty or fifty years, we wind up saving their sorry butts from some horror they've let themselves in for. Then we have to rebuild their industry and infrastructure, just so they can cut our throats in the marketplace. Next time they get their tits in a crack, we ought to let them sink like a brick.

Time to go. Can't wait to see if this comments deal works.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Scott, what?

Scott Peterson!! Scott Peterson!! I am sick of hearing about Scott Peterson. Let's fry him or turn him loose, but get his ass off my TV. You realize, of course, that if a mistrial is declared, we can look forward to another 2 years of this horse shit. I don't care if he's innocent or guilty. I just want him to go away!! He is no longer real news. He's just a pain in the ass.

The weather here continues to suck. Fog settled in this morning. It rained on us again. It is cold. YUK!!!

I wonder what those smart-ass terrorists are thinking now that their bubble is bursting. I'll bet that most of those chicken hearted cowards disguise themselves as real people and try to slither away. Every one of them that we catch should be summarily shot. After all, shouldn't trials and other civilized amenities be reserved for people and not animals posing as people? As the Marines say, "kill 'em all. Let God sort 'em out".

I am counting on winning the lottery tomorrow, so I have been searching the web for houses in the 2 to 5 million dollar range. There are some really, really nice ones for sale at those prices. Right now, I can't afford the taxes on any of them, but when that big win comes through, Fat City!!

Citrus season is almost here in Southern California. That means we'll be getting fresh oranges and grapefruits. It's a good thing, too, because we're about burned out with grapes. I hope this miserable weather doesn't freeze the crops. Then I'd have to buy citrus. Rats!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

60 degrees. That's all it is going to make this week. 60 degrees. I might as well be in Anchorage. At least you can fish up there while you freeze your ass off. I hope all those daffy duck weather men are happy. They bitch all summer about heat and then proclaim fall as "perfect weather." If those dopes think this is perfect weather, why don't they move to North Dakota? Why are they in Bakersfield? Throw them bums out!!

Thank God, the election is over. The good guys won. Now, if only the "news" programs would let it go, we'd be in great shape. But no!!! We'll have to listen to those left wing hypocrites babble on and on about "what happened?", "will hillary run in 2008?" on and on incessantly. SHUT THE F--- UP!! We're burned out.

I swear, this is my last political commentary for four years.

I have decided that duck hunting is the perfect fall sport for me. All you have to do is bring some suck...uh.. hunting companion along to set the decoys. Let the dog do all the work. All I'll have to do is blast those little duckies out of the sky.

Sometimes I wish I was in good enough shape to go back overseas again, but then I think I'm just too lazy to work anymore. I would like to make some extra bucks. I'm too dumb to learn any new stuff. I'm too chicken to knock over liquor stores. Beside, I can't drive fast enough these days to outrun the fuzz. Oh well.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! and gloat, gloat, gloat. Does that sound like I'm a poor winner? I am. So what? The key word is winner. Like the SEALS say, second finisher is first loser. At least we won't have to listen to any more lies from that east coast gas bag. He can take his whole herd of traveling bufoons and his troll, teresa, back to his digs and contemplate his defeat.

I wonder why the entire west coast votes for those wretched dumocraps? I've got the answers. The people of Oregon do it because they've always been about half communist. The people of Washington do it because there are too many Californians up there. The people of California do it because they are stupid. You will notice that rest of the entire western part of the U.S. went with President Bush. Not these idiots.

On a lighter note, we bid farwell to the obstructionist, Tom Daschle. Maybe now the Senate can do some actual work. The Republicans increased their majority in both the Senate and the House. So the entire kerry komedy show was a complete bust. HAHAHAHA.

Winter has arrived here in earnest. The temperature has plummeted into the sixties. Only four months to go to spring. I would really like to make a trip to Washington when summer arrives up there. That would be July 15 to August 30......maybe.

My oldest grandson is now 15. It is hard to believe that we have all grown so old, so fast. The pity of the whole situation is that all of us think we're still twenty, even though we know deep in or dark little hearts that father time is tracking us down. Why isn't there a mother time? Is it because women are age-sensitive?

We have now entered holiday season. An unending string of parties and presents. The retailers dream. The husbands nightmare. Women love it because it is a legitimate excuse to whip out those credit cards and charge. Non-stop shopping until February. Gift returns. Complaints. Men hate it because it is akin to tip-toeing through a mine field. One little mis-step and booom...daddy parts all over the tree!! It is also expensive. We get to blow our fishing vacation bucks on candy and presents. Oh well.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Only two more days and we can forget kerry. He'll slink back to his hole under the rock and we won't have to listen to any more lies....from him. Probably the army of lawyers waiting to pounce on the election results will babble on for days. This situation can be laid at the doorstep of algore. You remember him. He's the guy who thinks he's really the president. He's the guy that kept demanding recount after recount until the whole country was sick of it. I hope that Bush landslides this one. That is the only way the vast herd of shysters will shut up and go home.

The sun has returned to California. It's still pretty chilly. We don't expect the temperture to go much over 70 this week. Yuk! That's right at my thermal cut-off point. I'm so happy that we don't have to deal with that wretched white crap. One of my goals in life is to never again allow one of those foul white things to drop out of a cloud and land on me.

The win streak of the Patriots is over. Pittsburg knocked them off. It's about time. 21 games in a row is enough for any football squad to win.

It is Halloween evening and the clutches of small children are roving the neighborhood. Their parents truck them in here from all over the city. It gets worse every year. Too bad there isn't some way to limit the area of travel on this night. I guess that sounds a little eastern European though, doesn't it? Sorry.

Well, all you Americans pray for a Republican sweep across this country. Of course, if you are anti-American, you can pray for something else like kerry and the krumbums or maybe a four year ride through hell.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Have you seen the "documentaries" on Area 51 yet? How have the so-called "investigators" managed to stay out of prison for treason? If things were really as awful as they claim, they would have been swept up years ago and chucked into Leavenworth prison. It intensely pisses me off to see these morons running around top secret securitiy areas with listening devices and high powered cameras. The satelite company that took the pictures of this area should be shut down and its executives tossed into the slammer. Where did these guys get the idea that they have "the right to know" about everything the government does? Well, they dreamed it all up. They circulate lies in order to break base security. They subvert employees and ex-employees making them break their oaths of silence. Why? And why aren't these employees in jail? I am convinced that the government is carrying on top secret operations out there in the desert and that neither the public nor our enemies has any "right to know" about them.

The latest lie from the kerry komedy kamp is falling apart at the seams. With only 4 days to go, I wonder what other big lies are lurking in weeds. After having studied the kerry history, I am convinced that he should be in a federal pen for numerous offences against our country. How the hell anyone could vote for this bag of dog drippins' is beyond me. I know there are zealots on both sides who have gone nuts over this election, but I had no idea that the kerry kamp would lie so consistently for so long.

On the brighter side, we haven't heard much from heinz-kerry since her last major screw-up. I can't imagine that arrogant bag of wind in the White House. The very thought of it makes my skin crawl.

We have now entered the worst part of the year, "waiting for spring". The usually hard packed ground is now a mud pit. Although the sun has come back in spurts, it is not warm. It rains at odd intervals. Yuk!!

I am now preparing for a fishing trip to the coast to seek the mighty surf perch. The trip will start next March or April, depending on the length of the winter. Surf perch are fun, easy to catch when they're in, and great eating. They average 2 pounds or so and put up a good fight.

I would like to get to Las Vegas for my eldest grandson's birthday. He's in high school now. It seems only yesterday that I was in high school. I think as you get older, time seems to accelerate. Oh well.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

And now, the low-life, miserable kerry komedy krew will attempt to blame the disappearance of 380 tons of explosives on President Bush. Isn't this part of the stuff they've been moaning about that didn't exist? You know, WMDs. Hasn't any of those blockheads figured out that you need high explosives to generate a fission explosion? If this election weren't so serious, kerry's entire act would be absolutely hysterical. However, I believe that the fate of the western world depends on the outcome of this election. If kerry wins, we're screwed because he wants to talk to these idiots. They don't want to talk. They want to kill us. kerry doesn't understand that. He thinks all he has to do is sit down and have a cup of coffee with them and then everything will be all right. We desperatley need for President Bush to be re-elected. The fate of the world is in his hands. We don't need some weak-kneed flip-flopper who is completely antimilitary in the White House.

I wonder how many more lies these bastards will dream up between now and the election. They've already covered hurricanes, global warming, national guard service, Iraqi terrorists, the draft, the list is endless. The media, of course, jump on everything before they investigate it (remember dan blather?) because most of them don't want President Bush re-elected. The terrorists don't want him re-elected. France doesn't want him re-elected. In fact there is an international conspiracy that is trying to influence the American election toward kerry and away from President Bush. I cannot believe that the American people will let a lying, two-faced, cowardly gigalo win this election.

Now for some personal whining. It rained on me!! That is supposed to be illegal in Southern California. The wind blew hard and filled my pool with all sorts of icky stuff. It'll take the pool boy hours to fix it. It's cold. My furnace runs all the time. At least in Washington there is good fishing to compensate for the crummy weather. Here, in this crapola valley, there is no compensation.

All my favorite pro football teams lost last weekend. It's lucky I'm not a betting man. If I were, I'd be living in a refrigerator carton on some Bakersfield street. Are there more and more pro athletes in big trouble with the law these days, or am I just noticing it more? I can't remember a year when more of those overpaid cry babies had their tits in a wringer.

Oh well.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Ah, another football Saturday! My Sooners won and Notre Dame lost so every thing isn't darkness. Of course I'll watch the pros tomorrow, but I won't be watching Monday Night Football because of the totally secular stance that gang of godless heathens at ABC has taken. I'll start again after the BIG CHEESE comes in and fires the whole worthless bunch of them. Even if he doesn't, we have the satisfaction of knowing that they'll all roast in hell.

So far, the pusillanimous kerry kampaign has tried to blame President Bush for global hurricane season, the insurectionists is Iraq, snow storms, the Spanish train disaster and numerous other bits of nonsense. I personally wish that we had a President who could control hurricanes. We wouldn't need an army and we could still kick everybody's ass. I guess kerry's plan is to open a dialog with the terrorists and let them have some time off to rebuild. If that unthinking imbecile is elected, you can look forward to a lull and then we'll be fighting them in the streets of L.A. instead of Faluja. Did you guys know that kerry accepted the communist freedom award from the Vietnamese? I wonder if he tried to throw it away. I'll bet a million bucks it isn't displayed on his office wall along with his purple owie medals. Maybe the terrorists will award him the golden camel award for saving their jihad.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

I swore I would try not to make any further commentary on this election campaign, but when I saw kerry shuffling down the road with a shotgun slung over his shoulder and a couple of geese in the bag, I just had to say something. Does that lying idiot think he is going to capture any votes from amongst the defenders of the Second Amendment? Just about every gun owner in America is aware of his far-left, anti-gun voting record in the Senate. What a dismal pile of puppy poopy he is. The dumocraps have swung into high gear with their big lies campaign. President Bush has repeatedly said that there will be no draft. Yet, in an attempt to get draft-age voters, the kerry kampaign perpetrates this lie. Yet another big lie is the one about the voting record of kerry. He claims to be a moderate. If you look into the Congressional record you will find that he votes left of teddy-boy kennedy, who votes left of Karl Marx. I try to assure myself that the American voters aren't stupid enough to vote for a semi-communist such as he, but then I remember recent elections where the women put the most immoral SOB ever to invade the beltway (bubba) in twice. Thank God they only gave jimmy carter one shot at it.
George Bush may not be the best selection in the land for President, but he is far and away better than the miserable low-life kerry. Mrs. Bush is also far better at everything than the foreigner, heinz-kerry. Can you imagine an out-of-control dimwit like her at a state dinner or some other official function? She cannot maintain her sense of decorum for more than 2 minutes at a time. At that point, her great, big mouth pops opens and some insult or lie pops out. She is unfit to be first lady of these United States. Don't forget two things about her.
1. She didn't trust the lying kerry enough to marry him without a prenuptual agreement.
2. She doesn't respect the liar enough to bear his unhyphenated name.

I hope that we can dump our horrible senator, barbara boxer. She votes even further left than kerry, feinstein, kennedy, schumer and clinton. There will be no representation in the communist state of kalifornia until we get rid of these left-wing freedom killers.

I heard that my brother has returned from the wilds of Idaho elkless. Rats! That means I don't even have a remote shot at an elk prime rib. Now I'll have to pout until next year.

Today, I was forced to perform the saddest ritual of all. I had to turn on our furnace. I has rained on me. It is cold. The next time one of those greenies tells me about "global warming" I'm going to punch him in the suck.

I really am going to try not to write anything political until after the election. But you know and I know that the kerry kampaign will perform another stupid manuever. Oh well.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

The most wonderful news of the day is that the debates are now behind us. After the first one, I said I wouldn't watch any more and I haven't. I have heard that once again President Bush crushed kerry like the bug he is. kerry was a thoughtless, tactless desperate bufoon. Watching his leaky ship sink he had the unmitigated gall to single out Vice Presidents Cheney's daughter for some "special" attention. Only a truly horrible person would do such a thing on national TV in front of millions of people. If you are a homosexual, you would have to be totally insane to vote for kerry. He has shown no respect at all for one of your number. What do you suppose he'll do to you if he is elected? His ultra-liberal record in the Senate now stands exposed for all to see. He doesn't even have the balls to admit that he's a liberal. I have some friends who are liberals. At least they have the guts to say it. Not kerry. He knows that if the "ultra-liberal" tag sticks, every one in the country with even a small amount of intelligence will send him back to the trash heap. At one point, he admitted that he had married way, way up. It was far enough up to warrant a pre-nuptual agreement so he can't rake off any of her loot. If his own wife doesn't trust him, how the hell can we?

I saw Ann Coulter on O'Reilly tonight. She had no trouble at all admitting she is a right-wing extremist. She is great to listen to(one of the few women I know of) and has many valid points concerning the liberals. If you get a chance to read her book, How to Talk to a Liberal, by all means do so.

The FCC has ruled that the documentary "Stolen Honor" about the adventures of kerry is authorized to be aired before the election. The dumocraps are really afraid of it because it exposes kerry, once again, as the non-thinking coward that he is.

The dumocraps are so sure they'll lose this election, they have filed in excess of 30 lawsuits claiming voter fraud and no one has voted yet. The movement is spearheaded by our old pal Jesse jackson. You remember him. The most prejudice man in America. He is also a liar and philanderer. How come so many of these losers gravitate to the left? Probably they find kindred souls there.

My brother is still chasing elk in Idaho. I can almost taste those prime ribs.

My sweety and I are going to celebrate 35 years of wedded bliss this weekend. I don't know how I would have made it without her. Of course I'll give her my standard anniversary card congratulating her on a great catch!!

DON'T VOTE FOR kerry!!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Thank God there is only one debate left. I didn't watch the last one, as I said I wouldn't. The problem comes from the endless babbling of the press. Those idiots are still showing the second debate. They are still drawing the wrong conclusions. Even from the leftist media coverage, I have come to the conlusiion that President Bush handily won this blab-fest. Once again I will say that you have to be a complete loser to vote for kerry. He's a liar, gigilo, waffler and poltroon. Those are his good points. He is married to an Austrian. Do you really want the President of the United States sharing a bed with a foreigner? Wasn't Hitler an Austrian? If you think she won't be dictating policy, compare their bank accounts. Speaking of bank accounts, did you know she made him sign a pre-nup? If she doesn't trust him, how could we? Sober up, people!!

Well, Notre Dame won another football game. That means another week of listening to a herd of know-it-all sportscasters speculating on how good they "really" are. I can tell you how good they are. They suck!!

No word from my brother yet. I'm still waiting for an elk prime rib.

Winter is upon us. My airconditoner hasn't come on for two days. This portends great evil in the months ahead. I'm counting the days until spring. Can't wait!!

Remember, don't vote for kerry!!

Friday, October 08, 2004

I feel so much better now that Martha Stewart is in jail. It only took those idiot feds 2 years and 2 million dollars to do it. I would hate to think that they were out there prosecuting real criminals when they can be protecting all of us from potentially bad pancakes. Anyway, Martha will be back soon. If they do overturn her conviction, those feds are going to have to do some tall explaining. The only lesson that comes out of this case is: Don't talk to anybody about anything important without your lawyer.

Have you not heard enough about Scott Peterson? The media will be blabbering about this case for years. I'll bet that within two weeks of a verdict, there will be at least 3 tv movies about it. With any luck, nobody will watch them. We're fed up with this nonsense.

Wouldn't you just love to choke those morons at sporting events and concerts who insist on yelling, "WOOOOOOO" at the top of their lungs. The saddest part of this is that it is too late for the Darwin effect to solve the problem.

Did you know that we have city employees going around and checking garbage cans to make sure that they are properly separated? How did we ever buy in on the concept of "neat garbage?" Isn't that an oxymoron? If those a--hole environmentalists wanted the garbage neat, why didn't they invent a machine to do it? Once again, the majority is being pushed around by a few sob-sisters and their lawyers.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Well, my brother is off to the wilds of Idaho to pursue the mighty elk. This is an annual outing for him and a couple of his hunting pals. I sure wish I could go with them, but I"m too fat, too old, too sick. Damn!! Maybe he'll send me a chunk of prime elk rib.

Debates aside, (I've decided not to watch them) how could anyone in their right mind even consider voting for the super-waffler, kerry? Looking back on his record in the Senate, where he has voted for at least 350 tax increases and voted against every defensive system we've got, you would have to be a complete lunatic or a communist to consider him for anything more powerful than dog catcher. His running mate, ultra liberal edwards, has a similar dismal record. How could the democrats remotely consider these two idiots as nominees?

hillary is currently trying to shove a bill through the senate that would ban gun sales at gun shows. If she is successful, you can kiss your right to sell or give your guns to anyone, including relatives goodbye. This is exactly how the anti-gun nuts killed private ownership of firearms in Britain, Canada and Australia. Call your senator and tell him to vote against senate bill 1807. Those of us who are enjoying second amendment rights MUST win every one of these nefarious manuevers by the nuts. Losing one of these battles means a long, hard road back to freedom. Keep in mind that the foounding fathers did not write the second amendment to create a nation of rabbit hunters or target shooters. That amendment was written so the people could protect themselves from government pukes like hillary, shumer and feinstein. Our currrent federal gun laws are an almost direct copy of the gun laws written by another super patriot in Germany in 1938. His name was Adolph Hitler.

As summer drifts slowly astern, I once again realize that I am living at least 1000 miles too far north. I hate it when the temperture plummets down below 80. Soon, I'll have to start wearing shoes and socks and pants and long sleeved shirts. BOOOOO!!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

So there I was, gloating over Cheney's total crushing of edwards, when it suddenly occurred to me that I really didn't give a big rat's ass who wins debates. Remember back in school? Who was on the debating team? Yes, that's right, it was all the nerds. These were the people who couldn't lead their way out of the bathroom, that is, if they could find anyone to follow them. HAH!! After all, isn't it supposed to be performance that counts? The only performance that comes immediately to mind is the wretched record of kerry and edwards in matters pertaining to the safety of this country. Their records are appalling. They have voted against every military spending bill, support for our troops, homeland security,etc., etc. The list is endless. They have voted consistently for more and more taxes. They don't believe that the people know better than they, how to spend their money. Do I care what a couple of Washington, D.C. gas bags have to say? NONONO!! If I were a conspiracy theorist (and I am), I would say that the entire debate scam was dreamed up by the media. It gives the talking heads something to babble about for a week or two. On the other hand, it gives me something to bitch about. Oh Well....

Monday, October 04, 2004

Well, the first debate is over. It went about as expected. Unfortunately, President Bush had an opportunity to completely squash the horrible kerry and he didn't do it. Rats!! The problem was that President Bush allowed his emotions to show. He didn't try to hide anything. When kerry made another of his assinine, stupid remarks, the President showed his disgust for such idiocy. I don't know if it is possible for an honest man to debate someone like kerry. I hope the next one goes better.

The entire DNC/CBS collusion mess is being investigated. My spies tell me that they will find that rather, cbs and the miserable kerry kampaign were in bed together. The arrogant, holier-than-thou, dan blather should have been fired years ago for some of the other "mistakes" he has made. Cbs seems willing to stick with this waste of human skin for reasons that I cannot fathom.

On a lighter note, Notre Dame got their butts kicked last weekend. Already, the sports writers were starting to pump up BCS for a top ten ranking for the Irish. Ain't gonna happen now, Bubba.

Another year is drifting astern without my appearance at a fishing hole. That's mostly due to the paucity of water in this valley. I need to move real bad.

The only problem with retirement is, there are no days off.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

And now a few words about the ACLU. How the hell did we ever let a gang of communist shysters hijack our justice system? These guys have every government in the U.S. scared to death of lawsuits that could make them pay vast amounts of money. What for? Well, anything that the American Communist Lawyers Union (oops, was that Civil liberties?.....nope, right the first time) identifies as a likely target. If you believe that the aclu has your best interest at heart, you are sadly deluded. They are, in fact, trying to overturn our entire way of life. How do they get away with it? Well, we've got a group of gutless, left wing judges who allow themselves to fall into the liberal trap. This evil trend started with Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren and continues to this day. How do we stop it? Ask your attorney if he/she is a member of the aclu. If their answer is "yes" you reply, "you're fired." Let them know why. I will guarantee that if we start hitting the aclu members in their avaricious deep pockets, they will desert the aclu like rats from a sinking ship. We are now at a turning point in American history. We can either let the wishes of the majority prevail or we can bow to every rag-tag group of dissidents that can stumble into a courtroom.

I guess you have heard that Congress is, even as we speak, designing a law to saddle us with national I.D. cards. This is the most anti-American legislation to come out of the 9/11 commission. Both the House and the Senate are trying to rush this crap through before the end of the current session. Contact your Senator. Contact your congressman. Don't let them get away with this atrocity.

Burt Rutan has done it again!! Congratulations on the first ever civilian space flight. Soon, it will be a commercial enterprise. Kudos!!

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Have you heard the latest that the far left idiots have come up with? They are blaming President Bush for the hurricanes that are ravaging the southeast! Where do they dig up this guff? How far left do you have to be to actually publish a pack of lies of this magnitude? Slightly left of Marx? Lenin? Personally, I wish that we had a President who could control the weather. He would have to be the most powerful being in this end of the galaxy!

I must apologize. It seems I counted the wretched, miserable, pond scum, michael moore, out too soon. His latest behind the back manuever is to release his thoroughly discredited movie just before the election. Even after the entire content of this rag has been proven to be completely false, he is going to try to sell it as truth and hijack the election. What a low-life pile of doggy doo doo. Every day I pray for something horrible and permanent to happen to this moron.

Unfortunately, Note Dame has won two games in a row now and the sports writers, who have deified this school will be begging for at least a number 3 or 4 rating in the BCS. USC escaped by the skin of their teeth in beating Stanford 31--28. My favorite team, the incredible Okies, were idle this week. My second favorite team, the Cornhuskers, continues to get their asses kicked. I don't think their wonderful new system, installed by their wonderful new coach is working. If they lose any more games this year, he'll be history. Oh well.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

And now a few words to the ladies. More specifically, the ladies who plan on voting for kerry. If you want terrorism in American streets, if you want to see your children slaughtered on their way to school, if you want to wear that muslim garb and revert to third class citizenship, then go ahead and vote for kerry. kerry thinks he can warmly embrace the radicals, explain what a swell group of fellows we are, and they will come running to the peace table. He does not understand that there are millions of radicals out there whose only goal in life is to kill westerners, more specifically, Americans. They don't want to negotiate. They don't want to talk. THEY WANT TO KILLUS!!! Wake up. You should have learned from 9/11 that these guys don't want us in the world, anywhere. kerry believes he can achieve some sort of settlement with these idiots. WRONG!!! Look at the condition of the middle east. Do you think it got that way in the last 10 years? 50 years? 100 years? NO! These guys have been fighting each other and all of us "infidels" for 5,000 years. Anyone who thinks we are going to ride our white horse into Iraq, wave a white flag and cause a sudden miracle is fatally mistaken. On the other hand, kerry has taken every side of every issue before our country in the last 30 years. Maybe he'll magically waffle his way over to President Bush's viewpoint. Maybe he already has. It's hard to tell from day to day which way he'll flip-flop next.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Come one, come all!!!! Watch the wheels fall completely off of the kerry kampaign. Yes, the entire mess of lies, inuendos, forgeries and flip-flops is crawling back under the rock from whence it crept. Another sad chapter in American politics will soon come to an end. Already the rats are deserting the sinking ship. Who is the first rat to bail? Why, it's that wretched piece of crap, michael moore. You remember him from the production of a movie based on lies and fraud. The movie that was embraced by the liberal press. The same press that has now admitted it broadcast forged documents. Even the miserable dan blather has apologized. I have a hard time understanding how anybody could continue to support kerry. The kerry kampaign has now admitted it is going to lose the election. You can tell because they are already gathering money from their list of suckers to finance a recount. Of the political campaigns I have seen, and that's a bunch, kerry's is the worst run, most chaotic and least effective so far.

You will note that President Bush has not commented on any of this mess. He is showing that he is, indeed, a deserving President.

The perpatraors of the latest pack of lies and forgeries should be criminally prosecuted. They have done a grave disservice to our nation. In the end, the ones hurt most by these pusillanimous poltroons will be the very ones they were lying and cheating for. OH WELL

Monday, September 20, 2004

And now a few words from a Portuguese refugee, turncoat, betrayer of her late husbands ideals and general all around big mouthed bitch. .....scumbags....shove it....the list is endless. Is this the kind of miserable, ugly witch we want for a first lady? I'll bet that kerry wishes she would shut her giant pie hole. Of course if he told her that, no mo money. So now, kerry, king of the wafflers, is taking a stand that is 180 degrees from the stand he took last year. How could anybody vote for this gold digging creep?

Saw Madeline Albright on Hannity and Combs. She hasn't improved any. She's still the second ugliest female in the United States. Who's first? C'mon everybody knows it's Janet Reno. Anyway, she seems to support kerry. Even though she knows that he has done flip-flops on every campaign issue and numerous other issues that are not yet campaign related.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, President Bush's lead keeps getting stronger and stronger. As a result, the panicky dumocraps are slinging more and more mud. When the investigation into the fraudulent "documents" is complete, I'm pretty sure we'll find that at least some of the kerry kampaigners were in collusion with the perps. At the very leasdt , it should be the end of dan blathers career. If you are wondering why this campaign is getting more and more muddy, at least on the left wing loser side, it is because they are well aware that they have nominated a total idiot.
Just a few short weeks and we won't have to listen to the inane cacaphony from the left.

We're still searching for real estate outside kalifornia. We are considering properties as far away as Guam. The other possibilities are Washington State, Nevada, Wyoming and Alaska. These are places where we'd be comfortable and they have no state income tax.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

I see another mud slinging idiot has joined the kerry kamp. I am speaking, of course, of kitty kelly. She has produced a book full of wild, unsubstantiated rumors which the morons in the liberal press have taken as absolute truth. Once again, the kerry kamp has aligned itself with another total loser. Her claims about the family of President Bush are wild, unbelievable charges. You would have to be a communist to suck them up.

The dan blather scandal has not gone away. Maybe they'll retire the old socialist out. The dumb asses at CBS are starting to back off the documents, but are doing everything they can to make us believe they were right anyway. Where do they find these bufoons?

As the days go on, kerry keeps his guns trained squarely on his foot. On the Don Imus radio show, he switched positions right in the middle of the interview prompting Imus, a kerry supporter, to exclaim, "I have no idea what he just said". Well, Imus, the rest of us know what he said. Once again he has taken both sides of an issue. I don't think that President Bush and kerry need to have a debate. kerry could just debate himself. That way he'd cover all the issues on both sides without opposition.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

What a pleasure it is to watch dan blather and the communist broadcasting system dangle over the fire. For years blather has been a super-liberal, left wing hypocrite. He has performed in an unprofessional manner for many, many years. Again this time, although he has once again stretched the limits, CBS will probably not fire him, even though he so richly deserves it. In fact, CBS is complicit in this manner and has now lost what little credibility it had. And they wonder why Fox News is kicking their asses in the polls. It is going to be really amusing to watch the kerry kampaign self destruct. Every time that semi-communist jerk opens his pie hole, something really icky flows out. Oh well.

Hurricane Ivan is headed for the little village of Fairhope, Alabama, wherein resides one of my best freinds. She is the mother of my fishing buddy (deceased) and a damned fine woman. My prayers are with her tonight.

Did I mention I sold my boat? It became clear to me that I couldn't use it. My grandchildren visited us for 2 months and I couldn't get them out on it even 1 time. I was sad to see it go.

Monday, September 13, 2004

At last!!! The stupid-ass gun ban from the clinton administration is history. It was a knee-jerk reaction enacted by a bunch of panicky, ignorant liberals. Today, the pro-gun, pro-American people have moved this ountry a step further away from the totalitarian, left wing idiocy that is so prevalent here. The cheif anti-American left wing cry baby liberal idiot, kerry, is deeply distressed. Tooons are upon us and once again I find that I cannot participate. Some of it is due to poor health but most of it is due to the crackpots and their idiot laws here in the communist state of california bad!! I guess he'll have to console himself by spending two or three million more of his spouse's bucks.

The fall hunting season is upon us. Once again I will not be participating due to a combination of nazi-like gun laws and a giant herd of crackpots here in the communist state of california.

Sayings and words I wish would fall out of favor with the slope headed morons on TV:

1. "If you will"........will what?

2. "Again".......again? You mean I didn't get it the first time?

3. "Do you know what I'm saying?".......if you speak english, I understand.

4. "whazup?" or "zup?' that english ( see item 3)

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Once upon a time, there was a whole barnyard full of little left-wing piggies. They were too small and stupid to do anything except tell lies and cause social unrest. One day, the piggy with the biggest mouth discovered that things were going badly in the upcoming election. So he invented a huge, terrible lie and put it on CBS news. He didn't ask the other piggies because he was obviously much smarter than they. The terrible lie caused a ripple of discontent among the other barnyard animals, especially the elephants. A hurried investigation showed that the documents upon which the big lie was based were forgeries. Even some of the chief piggies biggest supporters were shaking their heads over this debacle because they knew that it spelled almost cetain doom for the chief piggy. Piggies have never been known for their integrity or honesty, but after having caused a national scandal, don't you think it is time for the chief piggy to withdraw? He probably won't because the chief of the left-wing barnyard piggies has never been known for honesty, integrity or the ability to admit the fabrications of the other liars who surround him.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

It looks like kerry is trying to dig his dick out of the dirt. President Bush is giving him a solid pounding in the polls, so watch for big batches of mud from the dumocraps. With only a few short weeks to go before the election, those of us who have retained some small measure of sanity are praying for a continued rise in the numbers for President Bush. By the way, have you seen the wooden, wretched algore lately? Talk about sour grapes!! We are really lucky that President Bush was elected, it is obvious to even the most casual observer that algore couldn't have handled our major crisis period. And what of kerry? Like the snake his is, he seems to be trying to gather some steam on his dirt wagon. His main problem is that George Bush doesn't have a jaded past for him to target. I believe it is too late for the miserable kerry camp to try to catch up. Some of the left wing idiots are making statements that show they recognize there is an upcoming kerry defeat. This is definitely that wrong time to elect a semi-communist, ultra-leftwing hippy.

I see slick willy has survived his heart surgery. Oh well.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Well, now that the RNC is over, we can see that President Bush has a clear edge over kerry. As more and more of the truth comes out, kerry looks worse and worse. This is not too surprising. Every time a rock in the kerry campground gets kicked over, another form of vermin crawls out. Look at all the stellar winners who have come creeping out of the darkness so far..... michael moore, sharpton, kennedy, the list is endless. All the dog droppings of society.

And now a couple of words about clinton's heart trouble: oh well.

Things I've already heard too much about:

1. Kobe Bryant
2. Martha Stewart
3. kerry's war record (hah)
4. Scott Peterson
5. Those do-nothing bufoons in Sacramento
6. San Francisco, land of legalized smut.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I hate to say I told you so....but.... the wheels seem to be dropping off the kerry crap-wagon. It is really refreshing to watch as his campaigners make blunder after blunder in an insane attempt to rescue him from political oblivion. Yes, it's true, his people are making error after error. They are definitely taking the low road in this campaign. President Bush, on the other hand, is standing above the mud and muck caused by the idiot kerry campaigners. The longer the campaign lasts, the more people will abandon the miserable left-wingers and take a higher road. The Republican road. We haven't heard much from that low-life weasel, michael moore, lately. The kerry mob probably told him to shut up. The problem with this particular bag of pond scum is that the Hollywood nitwits will never let him fall off the vine. Oh well.

On a sadder note, I have sold my boat. I never did have the strength to fight the hill at Lake Success. The final blow came when my grandchildren visited me for 2 months and I couldn't get out on it even once. The golden years suck.

We are once more looking for property somewhere (anywhere) away from the communist state of california. My only fear is that I won't get the plates on my car changed before some nummy keys it.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Once again that miserable pile of pond scum, michael moore, has disgraced himself on national television. In a tv interview with Bill O'Reilly, he exposed himself for the biased, prejudiced fraud that he is. The democrats, even the real stupid ones would be much better off if they publicly ostracized him and completely disavowed any connection with him. He has been shown to be a liar and a fraud with no redeeming features.  WHAT A DICKHEAD!!!!!!

Friday, July 23, 2004

Well, I see that the black caucus has embraced the miserable, low, piece of shit communist, michael moore. It is hard to understand since he has been completely disenfranchised by the Sept. 11 Commission. Most of us suspected he was bending the truth a bit, but it turns out he is and out and out liar, almost the equal of the wretched bill clinton. I am deeply disturbed by this stand of the black caucus. I thought they had more integrity than that. On the other hand, they are government officials, so I guess we really shouldn't expect much.

I get a big kick out of the liberal media as they try to pretend that the presidential campaign is too close to call. It should be obvious to even the most casual observer that President Bush is going to win in a landslide. After all, you can't count on a waffler in time of war.

Friday, July 16, 2004

It really pains me to see the neanderthals win against Martha. What a total waste of taxpayers money. The little fib she told the investigators hurt no one but herself. Now, there are at least 200 jobs down the drain. These were good jobs, not the standard Clinton chicken-plucker jobs. The only thing I have learned from this whole mess is to NEVER talk to an investigator without a lawyer present.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Well, it looks like all those semi-communist actors are at least trying to keep their great big mouths shut. I just wonder what kind of mud they are mixing up for the final run to the election. I have also noticed that the wretched and miserable kerry has been hiding from the media. I guess he just can't stand any of those pointy little questions that he knows can poke holes in his lie-filled balloon. It is too bad that the American people have to be subjected to the mud-slinging half truths and out and out lies perpetrated by the evil trolls from the left. You know that the Dumbocrats are wishing they hadn't shot themselves in the foot with kerry, a bona fide loser.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

john kerry is now campaigning the same way he attended the war. That is from behind a wall of lies and deceipt. These lies have been carefully crafted by some real low-life idiots led by the wretched and infinitely hateable michael moore. Not since the clinton scandals has a more despicable herd of left wing lunatics banded together to try to cover up the really lousy war record of a really talented liar. These people hate President Bush because he represents an opportunity to tear down 50 years of liberal abuse of our courts and tax systems. It is hard to understand how anybody with more than a third grade education could support the close-to-communist policies of the far left laggards. People like moore are not only not patriots, they are either criminals or supporters of criminals who will hide in Canada at the first sign of trouble. I wonder how many of them hit the northern trail when we attacked Iraq. I firmly believe that if some super liberal moron like kerry manages to invade the White House, we will suffer an economic depression that will make the crash of 1929 look like a slight market dip. Our courts and justice systems will lie in ruins and the liberals of the country will tell us how good we have it as we slide down the drain.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Once again the low-life pile of dog crap, Michael Moore, has demonstrated his ability to produce a pack of lies and sell it to the idiot group. He is one of those guys who, when you walk into a room, you just want to bitch-slap. My hope is that he suffers some extreme misfortune and gets patted in the face with a spade. How do we let these bums invade our country? I guess that in accordance with our Constitution, a document that guys like Moore have absolute contempt for, he is allowed to make wild, irrational statements. Too bad anyone listens to him. Don't forget that his main motivation is money and that he'll do anything or say anything to get it. Maybe he'll break the oxygen habit and relieve the sane people of having to listen to another bunch of fabrications and the ravings of another left-wing moron.

So, the miserable murderers have done it again. The way to solve that kind of problem is to kill every member of their terror group that we have in prison and then bump off all their familiy members and anyone we even suspect of helping their pack of sleeze-balls. It is also time to clamp down on the Saudis. We should make them aware that we will take a very, very dim view of their future support of any terror group and that they could end up like Sadam.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

As time marches on, so does the military credibility of the wretched john kerry. I have read the performance reviews of him by numerous people who were in the military serving with him and none of them have anything good to save about this waste of skin. Are any of you aware that he, along with his closest compatriot, hanoi jane, claimed that our fighting men in Viet Nam were criminals, murders and performed numerous atrocities? None of this was true, but these lies drifted right to the top of the hippie movement and were embraced by the Viet Kong. He and his ilk gave aid and comfort to an enemy during a time of war. He and his pal, the hanoi whore, should both be in prison for treason. In normal political times, kerry would never be on the ballot for anything more powerful than garbage collector. However, the American people were stupid enough to elect an immoral, lying, low-life piece of pond scum to our highest office twice. There is always a danger that the electorate is still stupid.

On a lighter note, I have been trying for two months to get up to the lake and do some fishing. It seems that every time I get ready, some little energency pops up and keeps me grounded in this waterless valley. I've been thinking about selling my boat and buying 2500 cases of beer. Sounds like a plan.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

We have now lost the greatest President of the last century. The world does not have replacements for men such as he. He scared the crap out of the USSR and the Iranians. He was a tough, dedicated man who said what he thought. He discarded political correctness in favor of honesty of speech and action.

Ultra-liberals, like that miserable pile of dog offal Scheer (writer for the NY Times) have chosen this moment to make idiotic, untrue remarks about President Reagan. Why are those insensitive assholes doing this? Because they fear that the kind of publicity the Republicans are now getting will cost them the election this fall. Well, here's a little note for all you liberals: You have chosen a real piece of crap for your nominee. Kerry will never be President. He shouldn't be in government at all. What he should do is take his semi-communist wife and retire to their pickle ranch.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

So, the morons have taken down Tech TV and replaced it with a flock of insipid crap they call G4. What the hell does G4 mean? Gone forever, I guess, is the best tech show on TV, Call for Help. First, this herd of gum balls fired Chris Perillo, then they fired the whole staff. I hope the whole group shows up on some other network and blows them out of the water. As for me, Tech TV has gone away and so have I. I gave this wretched G4 a shot and they failed miserably. Somewhere, some idiot network exec had better start covering his ass, because it won't be long until this pool of nonsense for nincompoops crashes.

Monday, May 17, 2004

As it turns out, Kerry, the liar, was actually awarded the Purple Owie award for scratching his finger while on dutie in Viet Nam. It only took three scratches in order for him to get a ticket home, which he immediately accepted. Do you reaalize that he was "earning" one medal every three weeks while engaged in a struggle he didn't believe in? WOW!!!

He is claiming to have been an actual moderate in the Senate when everybody knows he has been an ultra-liberal who has voted against every defense measure brought before the Senate. Thank God there have been others believing in a strong America, who have, for the most part, managed to negate his super left wing idiocy. Are the people of this country stupid enough to elect him? Well, we elected a moraly bankrupt moron from Arkansas twice. Scary, huh?

He has claimed, at one time or another, to have been on both sides of every issue in the last twenty years. Waffles anyone?

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

One would think that in these days of computers and the kind of communication they bring, it would be a simple matter to visit a doctor's office, sign in and get service. Such is not the case. When you visit a doctor's office, you recieve a sheaf of paperwork to fill out. Sometimes, even subsequent visits require such paperwork. Why? Well, I detect the swine-like claws of the legal profession behind the bull shit. Lawyers, sensing that the computer era was going to rob them of a large portion of their exhorbitant fees, set about making laws governing the medical profession that are so drakonian that every doctor in this nation is afraid not to comply. These include laws regarding privacy, malpractice and many other items dreamed up by the lawyers. This is the same kind of crap that destroyed the American private aircraft manufacturers, caused huge and unneccesary increases in automobile prices, accelaerated the increase of medical fees, given the auto insurance companies beautifully scripted state and national laws regarding insurance carriage and generally screwed the American public out of TRILLIONS of dollars, all in the name of safety, compassion and avarice. They have invented their own language and written our laws in it so it will forever required their tawdry profession to translate for us peons. Ol' Billy was right.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

1. Awwww! Did the nasty old Americans make the poor little Iraqis take off their clothes? It makes that little episode where the Iraqis kidnapped, tortured, mutilated and displayed the bodies of 4 Americans pale by comparison. It makes you want to forget the savage beatings suffered by our POWs at the hands of these same good ol' boys, doesn't it? We need to forget about this minor horse shit and get on with the war. Our people are dying every day because of the rats that were a little embarassed by our troops. Of course the liberals will whine about this crap for weeks. They'll blame it on the President or the Secretary of Defense. The really hate both of them because they represent the American way of life.

2. If there are two things that should be eliminated from planet Earth, they are garlic and anchovies.They are both stinky pieces of garbage that most chefs get all goo-goo eyed about showing, once again, that many true professionals have no taste.

3. The way to stop hackers is to issue some drakonian punishment when they are caught. My suggestion is a year in jail for every half million dollars in damages they cause. Third time offenders should go to the slammer for life. The hackers are at war with the people who made this country great. They are using the tools of capitalism to try to bring this countru down. They are mostly bitter, small-minded little cowards who don't have the guts to face the world on their own. Wasted humans.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

I don't think I can wait until July, so I'll say it now. "I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!" The wretched Kerry campaign has started digging holes in which to try to bury his past iniquities. It's kind of remeniscent of the Clinton campaign, but without the low, immoral sleeze. I'll bet the Dems are already wishing that he didn't have enough money to buy the nomination. As he glides across this fair land whining and moaning about job displacement and outsourcing, I wonder what he thinks of the dozens of factories he owns that have moved overseas. If he's really sincere, why doesn't he bring them back to the USA? The answer is avarice. GREED!!! Can we trust this clown who changes his mind every five minutes and speaks out both sides of his mouth? I'm fairly dumb, but I ain't that dumb!!!

Monday, April 26, 2004

As the world turns, it looks like there may be some disastrous revelations for the Kerry camp. He probably won't be able to cover them up as well as the professional liar, Clinton, did. Things to look for are the truth about his much-vaunted military record his personal finances and his dismal record in the Senate. By July, I'll get to say, " I told you so!!"

Monday, March 22, 2004

Isn't it about time for us to rise up in revolt and revulsion against the liberal media? It seems that every time some pip-squeak ex-employee has a gripe, the media takes it and runs with it as though it were the truth. Where is their coverage of the President's views? Well, usually, if they cover them at all, it's a 10second spot or a paragraph tucked neatly away on page Z-43. Where were they when Clinton was lying to a Federal Grand Jury? Where were they when Kerry lied about a plethora of things?

Speaking of Kerry, has he EVER done anything usful? He seems to specialize in marrying rich women and then trying to pluck them clean.If it were not for the fortunes that his ex and his current have, he wouldn't be elected dog catcher in punkin seed flats. He said he is borrowing $6m, but plans to pay it back. How? His salery is $135k. As president, he would make a little more, but even if they lived on spam and beans, they wouldn't have this debt paid off by the yeat 3,000. The answer, of course, is that he will be snatching the 6 mil from his wife and not ever paying it back. Stay tuned for more revelations in the coming months.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Ah, the glories of Spain!! The tapas. The olives. The sangaria. And then, of course, there is the communist government, which is going to cut ad run at the first sign of adversity. It makes you wonder how they managed to conquer a goodly portion of the planet, but it answers a lot of questions about how they lost all of it. On the other hand, it closely resembles the kind of goverment we would get with Kerry and his gang of unabashed liars. No sense letting the truth get in the way of an election! I suspect it won't be long until the truth about the wretched John Kerry sees the light of day. I am willing to bet they know it is coming and have already dreamed up some pretty good excuses. Time will tell.

Monday, March 08, 2004

It looks like it will be warm enough in a week or so to go fishing. We will be venturing forth to Lake Success (hah!). Last year we only got out on our boat a couple of times. I'm hoping for much more this year. We'll keep you posted on how we do.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

Well, it looks like the pygmies managed to convict Martha. A sad commentary on how far our government will go to assure that successful people will pay for their brains and ambition. I hope she doesn't spend any jail time. What a waste of talent! Too bad the SEC doesn't understand success.

Monday, March 01, 2004

How much money do you think the U.S. government has spent trying to lay charges against Martha Stewart?
How much money did they spend trying to bankrupt Bill Gates?
Don't you wish you had that money?

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

The courts in this country have gone completely insane. They support criminals, ignore victims, vilify God and praise social insanity. The only way to stop this abuse of the majority is to boot out the heaten court masters and find some new ones who believe in the American way of life.

Monday, February 23, 2004

President Bush has just started his 2004 campaign and already the liberals are whining about it. I guess they thought he would wait until October to start. What a bunch of idiots! They're just being a little bitchy because they are not finished fighting among themselves.

When the election is over and President Bush has handily defeated the forces of darkness, they'll whine about something else. Maybe I shouldn't be to hard the little jerks. We are, after all, well acquainted. I shake hands with at least a dozen of them every time I reach for my wallet!!
Does anyone really give a rat's ass about Nader and his neer-do-wells? The democrats, of course, are scared to death of him. That is because he appeals mostly to the far left, you know, those guys just slightly left of Lenin. They are the ones whose views are too radical for mainstream democrats. He represents the extremists. The environmental nitwits, the greens, mbla, peta and every other nut factioon in these United States. He does not represent true reform, but, on the contrary, he represents a desire to return to the 18th century. He gets far too much publicity, considering his relative importance. We can't go back to those thrilling days of yesteryear.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Things I don't need to know any more about:
1. Scott Peterson
2. Janet Jackson's tit
3. Michael Jackson
4. The Presidents military record
5. Enron