Sunday, September 26, 2004

Have you heard the latest that the far left idiots have come up with? They are blaming President Bush for the hurricanes that are ravaging the southeast! Where do they dig up this guff? How far left do you have to be to actually publish a pack of lies of this magnitude? Slightly left of Marx? Lenin? Personally, I wish that we had a President who could control the weather. He would have to be the most powerful being in this end of the galaxy!

I must apologize. It seems I counted the wretched, miserable, pond scum, michael moore, out too soon. His latest behind the back manuever is to release his thoroughly discredited movie just before the election. Even after the entire content of this rag has been proven to be completely false, he is going to try to sell it as truth and hijack the election. What a low-life pile of doggy doo doo. Every day I pray for something horrible and permanent to happen to this moron.

Unfortunately, Note Dame has won two games in a row now and the sports writers, who have deified this school will be begging for at least a number 3 or 4 rating in the BCS. USC escaped by the skin of their teeth in beating Stanford 31--28. My favorite team, the incredible Okies, were idle this week. My second favorite team, the Cornhuskers, continues to get their asses kicked. I don't think their wonderful new system, installed by their wonderful new coach is working. If they lose any more games this year, he'll be history. Oh well.