Tuesday, June 29, 2004

john kerry is now campaigning the same way he attended the war. That is from behind a wall of lies and deceipt. These lies have been carefully crafted by some real low-life idiots led by the wretched and infinitely hateable michael moore. Not since the clinton scandals has a more despicable herd of left wing lunatics banded together to try to cover up the really lousy war record of a really talented liar. These people hate President Bush because he represents an opportunity to tear down 50 years of liberal abuse of our courts and tax systems. It is hard to understand how anybody with more than a third grade education could support the close-to-communist policies of the far left laggards. People like moore are not only not patriots, they are either criminals or supporters of criminals who will hide in Canada at the first sign of trouble. I wonder how many of them hit the northern trail when we attacked Iraq. I firmly believe that if some super liberal moron like kerry manages to invade the White House, we will suffer an economic depression that will make the crash of 1929 look like a slight market dip. Our courts and justice systems will lie in ruins and the liberals of the country will tell us how good we have it as we slide down the drain.