Tuesday, February 05, 2008

And the winner is....

The New York Giants have won the super bowl. They worked their asses off and deserved to win. They are a great team and now, National Champions. Unfortunately, the New York sports fans and media get to bask in the glory. All year they whined and cried about the coach, the quarterback, the stadium and probably the pizza. Now the Giants will recieve the accolades that were due them all year. They are the media darlings. The New York fans now love them. Next year the turn coat fans will cry for someone else's ass. Maybe they'll just go back to whimpering about their baseball team. Just remember that the sobbing sounds that come from the east will be coming from the big wormy apple.

The weather here still sucks. Yesterday we were afflicted with hail. Then it rained. Right now the sun is shining but I know it is only a ruse to lure me outside where the weather can dampen my body and soul. "F" for Delano weather today.

I sent my sister up in Washington one of my erotic stories hoping to get some feedback from her. She hasn't bothered to comment, which I think speaks volumes. Alas, I appear to have alienated yet another family member. This kind of thing is like peeing in the pool. It is not possible to get it out. All you can hope for is rapid difusion Even if it all disappears, you will always be aware of the pee in the pool.

My fishing buddy back east hasn't called so I don't know if he survived his toe operation or not. He'll probable call this week with his tale of pain and terror. I will, of course, be sympathetic.

I have to go pick up my little girl from the school, so I'll break this off.

So it goes.