Thursday, May 26, 2005

You're Fired!!!

Now for a word or two to the United States Senate. What the hell do you clowns think you are doing? You were not hired to go to Washington to further the ambitions of the Democrats. You were not hired to go to Washington to further the ambitions of the Republicans. You were hired to go to Washington to conduct the business of the country. You are not doing that. Instead, you are embroiled in war over the President's appointees. Vote them up or down and then get on with the business of governing the country. Donald Trump would fire all of your asses in a heartbeat. The Democrats need to get over the fact that they lost the election. The Republicans need to get over the fact that they are now in power. The whole damned senate needs to remember what they were hired for. There is less whining and bickering in a kindergarten playground. Stop acting like a truculent bunch of cry babies and do our business!!!

The temperature in Delano tomorrow will be 69. At 2 AM. hahaha. Days are in the mid 90's. It is perfect.

What is all this fuss about Zarqawi? I don't want to hear he is wounded. I want to hear that he died an excruciating, protracted death with lots and lots of pain. There is no reason to feel even a twing of sympathy for this murdering hoodlum. He has said that the killing of Moslem women and children is ok, if it furthers his ambitions. What an immoral asshole! When he dies, he won't get 72 virgins. He'll get a 6'10" goliath named "Bubba" to help him make it through the night.
If we manage to capture the worthless beast, you can bet that the ACLU and Amnesty International will raise hell about lawyers and the Geneva Convention rules. The Iraqis don't like him, so the proper thing to do is turn him over to their tender ministrations. I'm sure they'll treat him tenderly, seeing as how his mad bombers have killed over 600 Iraqi men, women and children just this last month while that cowardly yellowbelly hid out.

Speaking of Amnesty International, were you aware that they are going to try to have our fighting men arrested if they go on R&R in Europe? They have compared the United States to Hitler's Germany. You can help stop them the same way you can help stop the ACLU. Don't give them any money.

The recipe for today is lemonade.

Buy two dozen lemons.
Put them in a large bowl and smash them.
Strain out the liquid.
Add 2 teaspoons of sugar(gotta watch those calories!)
Dump the liquid into a glass full of ice.
Drink hearty!!

Once again I have proven that I am one of the world's great procrastinators. I have not yet gone fishing or swimming. Why? Too lazy!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005


At the center of society is a black hole much like the black holes found in other galaxies. Our black hole sucks the life out of freedom and prosperity. At the center of our black hole is the singularity and the singularity is the ACLU. Surely you remember the American Communist Lawyer's Union. While it is true that we must worry about the North Koreans, the red Chinese, Iran, Iraq South American smugglers and Mexican criminal illegal aliens, the main threat to our society is the ACLU. Look at the record of this herd of ne'er-do-wells. They have been and still are promoting vicious attacks against the Boy Scouts because the Boy Scouts won't let queers run scout troops. In California, they are in bed with the 9th circuit court of appeals, the most left leaning govenrment organization since the dissolution of the KGB. The threat of an ACLU lawsuit scares the hell out of state and local governments, big and small. They are dead set against the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Almost all the problems that we encounter with the criminal justice system can be laid squareley at the doors of this anti-American gang of domestic terrorists. They have disrupted our lives and caused untold hardship for the people of this great land. How do we stop them. Well, if you have a lawyer and he/she supports the ACLU, fire the SOB. Tell him why he's getting the axe. Talk to your friends and see if they will fire their ACLU bound lawyers. The only thing this gang of traitors understands is money. Hit 'em in the wallet and they won't be quite so anxious to support the defiling of America.

It has been a little over two weeks since my last blog and nothing has changed. There are still missing children, heinous murders, bank robberies, rapes and child porn. It all looks pretty hopeless. Our only hope in these hard days is faith in God and Remington. Arm yourself. If the crazies are going to kill you anyway, make 'em pay. Just say a little prayer and shoot the SOB.

I still haven't been fishing. Everytime I get set to go, something pops up and destroys my carefully laid plans. A buddy of mine on the east coast went fishing this last week in the ocean. He said they caught a bunch of striped bass, but none of them measured up to the 40" minimum size limit.

Finally, it is warming up here. Daytime temps are only about 85 so far, but the near future looks promising. The Delano weather report is "good".

The recipes for today is Health-nut salad.

Go out in your yard and cut an assortment of anything that looks green or yellow. Toss it all together in a salad bowl and consume with no dressing.(Can't have any of that fattening, good tasting stuff.)

Baseball season is under way. whoopee, whoopee, yahoo. On the brighter side, each day brings us closer to football season.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

What, no killing?

I guess you have all heard the story of the missing bride who got cold feet, fled the scene and wound up in New Mexico. She's got a lot of nerve not being raped and killed like all those other missing girls. Are we miffed, or what? After all that searching, pleading, whining and bitching, she shows up alive and well. What a blow to the media! Every one of the news talking heads got it wrong! Maybe they are not as smart as they think they are.

While the weather continues to warm here in Southern California, most of the rest of the nation is enduring one of the coldest Mays in history. You guys in the east should find a global warming advocate and thank him, personally, for crying wolf. After having studied the weather charts for the last 200,000 years, I have come to the conclusion that the weather fluctuates wildly with or without help from humans. The "global warming" hysteria reminds me of the cancer scares. At one time or another, scientists claimed that everything caused cancer. Most people. like me, are now totally ignoring these geniuses. We should do the same for the global warming nuts. I realize that changes in the weather are not the fault of this nut group, but they have misidentified the causes of warming and cooling trends. They have ruined entire industries based on idiotic conclusions and generally caused prices to rise in several critical fields. If this were Christmas, I would say, "BAH, HUMBUG!!" But since its not, a simple "bite me" will have to suffice.

One of my daughter's clients is going to run a car in the Indy 500. Look for "Sam Schmidt" racing. He also has a website you might want to peruse. Good luck, Sam!!!

My pool was full of little, tiny frogs this morning. Luckily, it is the day for the pool boy to make his appearance. He got to dip them out. I don't have any idea why they picked this week to make their appearance. Just a few more weeks and I'll be swimming.

Now for the Delano weather report: It is clear, sunny and cool. (80 degrees). It's trying hard. Maybe next week.