Wednesday, September 29, 2004

And now a few words about the ACLU. How the hell did we ever let a gang of communist shysters hijack our justice system? These guys have every government in the U.S. scared to death of lawsuits that could make them pay vast amounts of money. What for? Well, anything that the American Communist Lawyers Union (oops, was that Civil liberties?.....nope, right the first time) identifies as a likely target. If you believe that the aclu has your best interest at heart, you are sadly deluded. They are, in fact, trying to overturn our entire way of life. How do they get away with it? Well, we've got a group of gutless, left wing judges who allow themselves to fall into the liberal trap. This evil trend started with Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren and continues to this day. How do we stop it? Ask your attorney if he/she is a member of the aclu. If their answer is "yes" you reply, "you're fired." Let them know why. I will guarantee that if we start hitting the aclu members in their avaricious deep pockets, they will desert the aclu like rats from a sinking ship. We are now at a turning point in American history. We can either let the wishes of the majority prevail or we can bow to every rag-tag group of dissidents that can stumble into a courtroom.

I guess you have heard that Congress is, even as we speak, designing a law to saddle us with national I.D. cards. This is the most anti-American legislation to come out of the 9/11 commission. Both the House and the Senate are trying to rush this crap through before the end of the current session. Contact your Senator. Contact your congressman. Don't let them get away with this atrocity.

Burt Rutan has done it again!! Congratulations on the first ever civilian space flight. Soon, it will be a commercial enterprise. Kudos!!

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Have you heard the latest that the far left idiots have come up with? They are blaming President Bush for the hurricanes that are ravaging the southeast! Where do they dig up this guff? How far left do you have to be to actually publish a pack of lies of this magnitude? Slightly left of Marx? Lenin? Personally, I wish that we had a President who could control the weather. He would have to be the most powerful being in this end of the galaxy!

I must apologize. It seems I counted the wretched, miserable, pond scum, michael moore, out too soon. His latest behind the back manuever is to release his thoroughly discredited movie just before the election. Even after the entire content of this rag has been proven to be completely false, he is going to try to sell it as truth and hijack the election. What a low-life pile of doggy doo doo. Every day I pray for something horrible and permanent to happen to this moron.

Unfortunately, Note Dame has won two games in a row now and the sports writers, who have deified this school will be begging for at least a number 3 or 4 rating in the BCS. USC escaped by the skin of their teeth in beating Stanford 31--28. My favorite team, the incredible Okies, were idle this week. My second favorite team, the Cornhuskers, continues to get their asses kicked. I don't think their wonderful new system, installed by their wonderful new coach is working. If they lose any more games this year, he'll be history. Oh well.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

And now a few words to the ladies. More specifically, the ladies who plan on voting for kerry. If you want terrorism in American streets, if you want to see your children slaughtered on their way to school, if you want to wear that muslim garb and revert to third class citizenship, then go ahead and vote for kerry. kerry thinks he can warmly embrace the radicals, explain what a swell group of fellows we are, and they will come running to the peace table. He does not understand that there are millions of radicals out there whose only goal in life is to kill westerners, more specifically, Americans. They don't want to negotiate. They don't want to talk. THEY WANT TO KILLUS!!! Wake up. You should have learned from 9/11 that these guys don't want us in the world, anywhere. kerry believes he can achieve some sort of settlement with these idiots. WRONG!!! Look at the condition of the middle east. Do you think it got that way in the last 10 years? 50 years? 100 years? NO! These guys have been fighting each other and all of us "infidels" for 5,000 years. Anyone who thinks we are going to ride our white horse into Iraq, wave a white flag and cause a sudden miracle is fatally mistaken. On the other hand, kerry has taken every side of every issue before our country in the last 30 years. Maybe he'll magically waffle his way over to President Bush's viewpoint. Maybe he already has. It's hard to tell from day to day which way he'll flip-flop next.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Come one, come all!!!! Watch the wheels fall completely off of the kerry kampaign. Yes, the entire mess of lies, inuendos, forgeries and flip-flops is crawling back under the rock from whence it crept. Another sad chapter in American politics will soon come to an end. Already the rats are deserting the sinking ship. Who is the first rat to bail? Why, it's that wretched piece of crap, michael moore. You remember him from the production of a movie based on lies and fraud. The movie that was embraced by the liberal press. The same press that has now admitted it broadcast forged documents. Even the miserable dan blather has apologized. I have a hard time understanding how anybody could continue to support kerry. The kerry kampaign has now admitted it is going to lose the election. You can tell because they are already gathering money from their list of suckers to finance a recount. Of the political campaigns I have seen, and that's a bunch, kerry's is the worst run, most chaotic and least effective so far.

You will note that President Bush has not commented on any of this mess. He is showing that he is, indeed, a deserving President.

The perpatraors of the latest pack of lies and forgeries should be criminally prosecuted. They have done a grave disservice to our nation. In the end, the ones hurt most by these pusillanimous poltroons will be the very ones they were lying and cheating for. OH WELL

Monday, September 20, 2004

And now a few words from a Portuguese refugee, turncoat, betrayer of her late husbands ideals and general all around big mouthed bitch. .....scumbags....shove it....the list is endless. Is this the kind of miserable, ugly witch we want for a first lady? I'll bet that kerry wishes she would shut her giant pie hole. Of course if he told her that, no mo money. So now, kerry, king of the wafflers, is taking a stand that is 180 degrees from the stand he took last year. How could anybody vote for this gold digging creep?

Saw Madeline Albright on Hannity and Combs. She hasn't improved any. She's still the second ugliest female in the United States. Who's first? C'mon everybody knows it's Janet Reno. Anyway, she seems to support kerry. Even though she knows that he has done flip-flops on every campaign issue and numerous other issues that are not yet campaign related.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, President Bush's lead keeps getting stronger and stronger. As a result, the panicky dumocraps are slinging more and more mud. When the investigation into the fraudulent "documents" is complete, I'm pretty sure we'll find that at least some of the kerry kampaigners were in collusion with the perps. At the very leasdt , it should be the end of dan blathers career. If you are wondering why this campaign is getting more and more muddy, at least on the left wing loser side, it is because they are well aware that they have nominated a total idiot.
Just a few short weeks and we won't have to listen to the inane cacaphony from the left.

We're still searching for real estate outside kalifornia. We are considering properties as far away as Guam. The other possibilities are Washington State, Nevada, Wyoming and Alaska. These are places where we'd be comfortable and they have no state income tax.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

I see another mud slinging idiot has joined the kerry kamp. I am speaking, of course, of kitty kelly. She has produced a book full of wild, unsubstantiated rumors which the morons in the liberal press have taken as absolute truth. Once again, the kerry kamp has aligned itself with another total loser. Her claims about the family of President Bush are wild, unbelievable charges. You would have to be a communist to suck them up.

The dan blather scandal has not gone away. Maybe they'll retire the old socialist out. The dumb asses at CBS are starting to back off the documents, but are doing everything they can to make us believe they were right anyway. Where do they find these bufoons?

As the days go on, kerry keeps his guns trained squarely on his foot. On the Don Imus radio show, he switched positions right in the middle of the interview prompting Imus, a kerry supporter, to exclaim, "I have no idea what he just said". Well, Imus, the rest of us know what he said. Once again he has taken both sides of an issue. I don't think that President Bush and kerry need to have a debate. kerry could just debate himself. That way he'd cover all the issues on both sides without opposition.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

What a pleasure it is to watch dan blather and the communist broadcasting system dangle over the fire. For years blather has been a super-liberal, left wing hypocrite. He has performed in an unprofessional manner for many, many years. Again this time, although he has once again stretched the limits, CBS will probably not fire him, even though he so richly deserves it. In fact, CBS is complicit in this manner and has now lost what little credibility it had. And they wonder why Fox News is kicking their asses in the polls. It is going to be really amusing to watch the kerry kampaign self destruct. Every time that semi-communist jerk opens his pie hole, something really icky flows out. Oh well.

Hurricane Ivan is headed for the little village of Fairhope, Alabama, wherein resides one of my best freinds. She is the mother of my fishing buddy (deceased) and a damned fine woman. My prayers are with her tonight.

Did I mention I sold my boat? It became clear to me that I couldn't use it. My grandchildren visited us for 2 months and I couldn't get them out on it even 1 time. I was sad to see it go.

Monday, September 13, 2004

At last!!! The stupid-ass gun ban from the clinton administration is history. It was a knee-jerk reaction enacted by a bunch of panicky, ignorant liberals. Today, the pro-gun, pro-American people have moved this ountry a step further away from the totalitarian, left wing idiocy that is so prevalent here. The cheif anti-American left wing cry baby liberal idiot, kerry, is deeply distressed. Tooons are upon us and once again I find that I cannot participate. Some of it is due to poor health but most of it is due to the crackpots and their idiot laws here in the communist state of california bad!! I guess he'll have to console himself by spending two or three million more of his spouse's bucks.

The fall hunting season is upon us. Once again I will not be participating due to a combination of nazi-like gun laws and a giant herd of crackpots here in the communist state of california.

Sayings and words I wish would fall out of favor with the slope headed morons on TV:

1. "If you will"........will what?

2. "Again".......again? You mean I didn't get it the first time?

3. "Do you know what I'm saying?".......if you speak english, I understand.

4. "whazup?" or "zup?' that english ( see item 3)

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Once upon a time, there was a whole barnyard full of little left-wing piggies. They were too small and stupid to do anything except tell lies and cause social unrest. One day, the piggy with the biggest mouth discovered that things were going badly in the upcoming election. So he invented a huge, terrible lie and put it on CBS news. He didn't ask the other piggies because he was obviously much smarter than they. The terrible lie caused a ripple of discontent among the other barnyard animals, especially the elephants. A hurried investigation showed that the documents upon which the big lie was based were forgeries. Even some of the chief piggies biggest supporters were shaking their heads over this debacle because they knew that it spelled almost cetain doom for the chief piggy. Piggies have never been known for their integrity or honesty, but after having caused a national scandal, don't you think it is time for the chief piggy to withdraw? He probably won't because the chief of the left-wing barnyard piggies has never been known for honesty, integrity or the ability to admit the fabrications of the other liars who surround him.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

It looks like kerry is trying to dig his dick out of the dirt. President Bush is giving him a solid pounding in the polls, so watch for big batches of mud from the dumocraps. With only a few short weeks to go before the election, those of us who have retained some small measure of sanity are praying for a continued rise in the numbers for President Bush. By the way, have you seen the wooden, wretched algore lately? Talk about sour grapes!! We are really lucky that President Bush was elected, it is obvious to even the most casual observer that algore couldn't have handled our major crisis period. And what of kerry? Like the snake his is, he seems to be trying to gather some steam on his dirt wagon. His main problem is that George Bush doesn't have a jaded past for him to target. I believe it is too late for the miserable kerry camp to try to catch up. Some of the left wing idiots are making statements that show they recognize there is an upcoming kerry defeat. This is definitely that wrong time to elect a semi-communist, ultra-leftwing hippy.

I see slick willy has survived his heart surgery. Oh well.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Well, now that the RNC is over, we can see that President Bush has a clear edge over kerry. As more and more of the truth comes out, kerry looks worse and worse. This is not too surprising. Every time a rock in the kerry campground gets kicked over, another form of vermin crawls out. Look at all the stellar winners who have come creeping out of the darkness so far..... michael moore, sharpton, kennedy, the list is endless. All the dog droppings of society.

And now a couple of words about clinton's heart trouble: oh well.

Things I've already heard too much about:

1. Kobe Bryant
2. Martha Stewart
3. kerry's war record (hah)
4. Scott Peterson
5. Those do-nothing bufoons in Sacramento
6. San Francisco, land of legalized smut.