Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Last time!!!

I promise, this is the last time I will mention the plight of Schiavo. In my last blog, I said that they should just let her croak. Bill O'Reilly had a much better idea. He said that the husband should withdraw his suit, make a public statement that he had done his best to fulfill her wishes, but now was willing to turn guardianship over to her parents. This would solve several problems. First, and most important, it would dry up the media coverage because if there is no controversy, there is no story. Second, it would relieve Mr. Schiavo of the financial burden for her recovery. It would also remove the state's responsibility for her hospital bills. The parents could finance them from donations. Third, it couldn't hurt anything. She would continue to live. She is not in pain so there would be no harm done. All this would work unless Mr. Schiavo has some nefarious reason not to let it go. The only good thing about this whole sordid affair is that we haven't heard about Michael Jackson or Scott Peterson for a week.

I must apologize! I guess I was being much too subtle when I expressed my views on illegal, criminal aliens in our country. Allow me to provide some detail. The first act of an illegal is to commit a federal felony by crossing the border illegally. If they are caught, they should be immediately deported. The U.S. Army should be assigned to patrol our southern border. They should be given permission to shoot to kill if they detect invaders. All illegals found hiding in this country should be rounded up, loaded on barges and shipped to southern Mexico with a warning that to return is to die. The Mexican government should have heavy sanctions levied against it for providing aid to the invaders. The drug laden, disease infected criminals must not be allowed to invade our country. Any criminal foreigners in our jails should be shipped directly to President Fox. How much longer are we going to stand for this crap? Are you aware that there is a movement among Mexicans living in our country to take back the southwestern states? I'm all for legal imigration. I know many people who waited and waited for visas to enter this country legally. It is an insult to legal imigrants to allow the criminal invaders to live here. NO AMNESTY!!!!! Well, I hope this clears up any misunderstanding or questions you may have had on my stance on criminal invaders.

A really good friend of mine on the east coast is retiring at the end of the month. I am sure he will be a lot happier out of work than he ever was while he was working. Retirement is great, but the "golden years" suck.

I can finally hobble around the hoouse. It has been almost a week since I blew out my foot. I've been confined to quarters until today. It is hard to believe how much we depend on two good legs. My wife, busy little bee that she is, whipped right out last Sunday and got me some crutches. I damned near killed myself trying to learn how to operate the things. Never was successful. I guess you really can't teach an old dog new tricks.

And now for the Delano weather report: It sucks.