Thursday, July 24, 2008


That's exactly what we will suffer if the lying, stupid sleaze ball, Osama....oops...Obama is elected. So far I haven't met anyone who plans on voting for this wretched waste of skin, but I'm sure that the communist media will do their level best to screw us over. Now, I don't like McCain but he stands head and shoulders above the closet Muslim. In a normal year, neither of them would be on the ballot. I am voting for the lesser of two evils. McCain is a left wing jerk, but at least he is patriotic and knows something about how this country operates. All Obama knows is the Koran. He is slave to his Muslim buddies and will sell us out to Islam if he can. Well, so much for the idiots. Let's press on to brighter lights.

1. Why do these dumb asses always say "Do you know what I'm saying?" If you are speaking English, I know what you are saying.

2. Have you ever talked to someone whose favorite word is "again"? They usually start their meager sentences with this word even if they know they haven't said it to you the first time yet.

3. Another pet peeve is someone who sprinkles "You know" throughout their speech. If I knew, I wouldn't be listening to them, now would I?

4. Gas prices? Please!! How much more are we going to take? It costs those thieves about a dollar or less to extract a barrel of oil from the ground. I have fought against it but I think we must use an alternative fuel source and let the Arabs go back to screwing camels.

5. I am convinced that summer is here. Temperatures have been running in the mid to high nineties. Perfect.

6. Does anyone remember who won the British Open? I don't. I do remember that Mickelson came in 14 over par. Hah!

7. I do believe there is a conspiracy to keep Barry Bonds out of baseball. Several teams around the league need a big bat and few are bigger than Barry's. Remember, he hasn't been convicted of anything yet. They may never bring him to trial because there just isn't any evidence. I'll bet athletes will look their trainers over very carefully and keep track of all the material used on them. Swearing them to secrecy won't work because if someone is going to rat you out, they'll lie, lie, lie.

That's enough sniveling for today. Drop me a line.


Sunday, July 06, 2008

General Whining

First, let me reiterate. Obama is the worst candidate in the history of this country and a vote for him is a vote for Islam.Don't seel out your country!!! Vote against this lying weasel. Also, don't forget to vote against Nancy Pelosi. She is one hundred percent communist!

The pro golfers are breathing a sigh of relief. After beating all the would be's on one leg, Tiger has taken some time off to recuperate, something he should have done several years ago. Unfortunately for the other golfers, The doctors have told him he should be better when he comes back. That means all the pretenders will once again take their rightful places in the shadow of the master. Only this time, he'll cast a longer shadow.

How about those Yankees? This year they may not even make the playoffs. Boo Hoo Hoo!! They have the highest paid roster in pro baseball and they still can't seem to get it done. hahaha

Nadal has, at last, beaten Federer at Wimbeldon. I predict he will rise to number one in the next year or so. The Wiiliams sisters are back, much to the chagrin of the other lady pros. They kicked ass!

The weather here has been good to excellent, ranging from daytime highs of the low nineties to one hundred five or so. Delano gets an A.

Random thoughts:

Pierced ears are for girls
Body piercings are nasty, ugly testaments to idiocy.
Ditto for tattoos.
Anchovies and garlic still suck.
Girls who insist on wearing high heels when making love are unfashionable morons.
The entire Arab world should be destroyed.
George Carlin has died. That is a bad thing.
As I grow older, my memory fades. That is mostly a good thing.

I have reached the point in my life where I don't care about much of anything. Things that would have intensly pissed me off ten years ago don't even rate a raised eyebrow.

That's it for tonight.
