Saturday, June 30, 2007


Yes, it is true that I have procrastinated, blog-wise. I can now reveal that I have been busy with porn. You know, the kind that you read as opposed to short video clips. After carefully perusing these sites, I find they all have one thing in common. The writers are illiterate! They can't spell. Their use of the English language is atrocious. But, I suppose that this is a direct result of our failing school system. Sometimes it is so bad that I have to give up on finishing. BOO,HISSSS. Of course, I won't stop. Some of them show real inovation. They are mostly a pain in the ass. (get it?) Three of my TV sets are now shot, forcing me to visit porn sites on my computer. Some excuse, eh?

So here we are in the middle of another Wimbldon. As I write this, there is only one American left in men's singles. How is it the a massive country like this one can't seem to whip dinky little countries? Well, it is what it is.

I have not heard from my fishing partner in North Carolina for a while. Maybe his 8 (yes that's 8) daughters finally ganged up on him and roasted him.

The weather here continues to be warm and pleasant with daytime temps in the mid nineties. Of course my new airconditioner has gone tits up. I don't care but my wife and her pals are sweating. It is really difficult to get a filippino to sweat.

Our new congress has gone berserk, as we knew it would. God, I hate the liberals. I can't seem to find a single, solitary democrat who is not actively trying to sink our country. It is so depressing.

Well, I am about drained. I guess I'll go back to porn now. Remember, whip a leftist for Jesus!

And so it goes.