Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Not Again!

Well, Simpson has come thundering back to the fore. He's like Freddy, he won't go away. Maybe this time they'll stick his crooked ass in the slammer. That's the only way to get the talking heads to talk about sports.

Why hasn't the big tough American eagle eaten that obnoxious little insurance lizard? It would be so fine to see his bloody little tail disappear down the gullet of our national bird.

The two words that cause almost everyone in the country to change channels are 'women's soccer'. It has taken over the spot that used to be owned by 'women's basketball'. Does anybody seriously watch that pap? Not without an estrogen injection. I would rather watch hockey and you already know how I feel about that.

I've got the solution for drugs in sports. Make everybody take 'em. If every one's cheating then it's all equal, right?

The weather here has turned sour. Delano gets a big 'D' for weather this week.

On the brighter side, Notre Dame has had their butts kicked hard for three straight games. Some have speculated that they will win el zippo this year. I've waited so long for this!

Are you aware that our dumb ass senate is trying to attach an amnesty rider to the defense bill? Write your senators and tell them what a gang of thieves and assholes they are. Of course that won't be news to them or anyone else. The nation is starting to realize what a gang of morons are running this country.

My little girl is starting to yank my chain in an attempt to move me along.

So I bid you farewell. Oh, did I mention I'm going to try writing novels for Harlequin? I sure hope they sell. The rest of my junk is free.
