Monday, January 23, 2006


I was spot-on when I predicted that further predictions would lead to the untimely demise of my chosen teams. I made no prediction on the playoff games and both of my favorites are now conference champions. My plan is to continue not predicting. It seems to work well and it makes me happy. Expect no prognostication from this corner on the outcome of the super bowl.

Delano weather is still in the refrigerator class. A couple of nights, it has dropped down close to freezing. BOOO, HISS!! Oh well, only a couple of more months until the return of decent weather. I can stay hunkered down for that long.

My wife went back to work last week. She is not happy about it until payday. Then, she turns into queen for a day. I want her to quit. She won't do it. Women!

Housing prices in this area are skyrocketing. Maybe next year I can afford to sell this hovel and move to somewhere fishable.

It is refreshing to see Hillary dropping in the polls. Maybe the American people aren't as stupid as I thought. I believe the dumocraps have looked down the road to the next election and concluded that Hillary is going to be a giant liability. She has apparently been taking stupidity lessons from Mr. Dean. Every time her mouth opens, she jams another foot in it. Right now it looks as though the leading candidate is McCain. That's too bad, because he backs some truly unAmerican policies. Yet, he is better than Hillary. So is Fred, the dog catcher.