Thursday, June 09, 2005


As I predicted a few blogs ago, Howard Dean, you remember the moron who self-destructed on national TV, is now leading the Democrats directly into oblivion. I knew it was a gross error to appoint this clown to head the democratic party and he is living up to all my expectations. He is going to create a major political crisis in this country because under his leadership, the democrats will not only fail miserably in the next election, the whole damned party may be destroyed and sink into the sea of imbicility. The major political crisis comes when the country outside of the Republicans searches for a replacement. It is essential to have opposition in this country's politics. While the democrats have provided years of jovial entertainment, they have recently become obstructionistic in their habits. We need to move on to a higher level of opposition. My favorite is the Libertarians. We'll see. In the meantime, say a litttle prayer for Dean as he stands on the deck of the ship he is sinking.

The Delano weather report: It sucks!! Once again the temperature has plummeted under 70 degrees. Who needs that? In June? In southern Calfornia? BOOOO!!

As usual during weather crises, I am thinking once again about selling out and moving north. Yes, I know it is cooler up there, but at least they have good fishing. If I must suffer through the cold, I should have a fishing rod clutched in my paw.

I'm still having problems with my webcam, proving once again that I'm not as smart as I think I am. My buddy over on the east coast thinks I should buy a new camera. He's probably right, but in addition to abject stupidity, I have a head as hard as a brick. Another week or so of failure should be enough to convince me.

Have you heard about the imminent publication of a book about the wretched Hillary Clinton? I have read a few excerpts from it and my opinion is that it will completely destroy her bid for the Presidency. This will be a good thing. I have suspected she was a crook since her days with slick willy. When all these newly uncovered facts are made public, the sun will set on her parade and if we are lucky, we'll never hear from her again.

And now for the recipe, ice box pizza:
Squash a couple of tubes of biscuit dough into a rough circle.
In your refridgerator, select all the items that have been in there for months.
If it's green, it'll be good whether it's cheese or meat.
Pour half a bottle of catsup on your squashed dough .
Chop 8 jalopena peppers and throw them into the catsup.
Dump all those ymmy items from the refridgerator on top.
Bake at 450 degrees for 20 minutes, ignoring any smoke coming from your oven.
Eat hearty!!! Ciao.