Thursday, July 29, 2004

Once again that miserable pile of pond scum, michael moore, has disgraced himself on national television. In a tv interview with Bill O'Reilly, he exposed himself for the biased, prejudiced fraud that he is. The democrats, even the real stupid ones would be much better off if they publicly ostracized him and completely disavowed any connection with him. He has been shown to be a liar and a fraud with no redeeming features.  WHAT A DICKHEAD!!!!!!

Friday, July 23, 2004

Well, I see that the black caucus has embraced the miserable, low, piece of shit communist, michael moore. It is hard to understand since he has been completely disenfranchised by the Sept. 11 Commission. Most of us suspected he was bending the truth a bit, but it turns out he is and out and out liar, almost the equal of the wretched bill clinton. I am deeply disturbed by this stand of the black caucus. I thought they had more integrity than that. On the other hand, they are government officials, so I guess we really shouldn't expect much.

I get a big kick out of the liberal media as they try to pretend that the presidential campaign is too close to call. It should be obvious to even the most casual observer that President Bush is going to win in a landslide. After all, you can't count on a waffler in time of war.

Friday, July 16, 2004

It really pains me to see the neanderthals win against Martha. What a total waste of taxpayers money. The little fib she told the investigators hurt no one but herself. Now, there are at least 200 jobs down the drain. These were good jobs, not the standard Clinton chicken-plucker jobs. The only thing I have learned from this whole mess is to NEVER talk to an investigator without a lawyer present.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Well, it looks like all those semi-communist actors are at least trying to keep their great big mouths shut. I just wonder what kind of mud they are mixing up for the final run to the election. I have also noticed that the wretched and miserable kerry has been hiding from the media. I guess he just can't stand any of those pointy little questions that he knows can poke holes in his lie-filled balloon. It is too bad that the American people have to be subjected to the mud-slinging half truths and out and out lies perpetrated by the evil trolls from the left. You know that the Dumbocrats are wishing they hadn't shot themselves in the foot with kerry, a bona fide loser.