Thursday, January 07, 2010

American Marxists

Well, say, out there, all you flamin' liberals, how's your boy working out for ya? As predicted, the liberal rats are deserting the obama boat. It is sinking. Unfortunately, it is going to take a big chunk of America with it. It will take us years to rebuild and overhaul the damage that this idiot has done in just one year. Don't forget to vote all those corrupt congressmen out of office later this year. How do you know which ones are corrupt? Follow the Marine Corp edict. "Do 'em all. Let god sort "em out." I believe that both parties are responsible for this wretched mess. Get rid of all of them.

My buddy back east is killing the trout. Damn, I wish I could be with him.

It's colder than a whore's heart here in Delano. This weather really sucks. At least we've gotten past the winter solstice so it should start to warm up soon.

Not much else happening. My health continues to decline. Oh, well. I gave up life as a porn writer. I guess I'll have to write about something else. Any suggestions?

I'm getting tired. I must listen to some Trish Trang videos. Ah retirement!