Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Dan who?

Let's see....there is a war in Iraq, we are hunting the #1 terrorist in the world in Afghanistan, the southeastern U.S. is flooded and expecting tornados, and Greenspan has crashed the stock market. What are the talking heads on network news babbling non-stop about? Why it's the firing of Dan Blather, one of the more useless individuals on televison. To make matters worse, we'll be hearing about this bufoon all day, every day until his exit in March. Then there will be the "specials" and documentaries. This is a graphic demonstration of what the tv newsies think of the American people. I wonder why they believe that news people are worth more than real people.

So the main criminal in the basketball fiasco got suspended for a year. Now the lawsuits will fly as the lawyers extract maximum cash from all parties and the courts will get their pound of flesh too. Several messages left on this blog have asked why I didn't blame the parents also. Well, I forgot. But they were right! I should have placed a lot of the blame for this on the soccer moms and baseball dads. They are the ones who have initial responsibility for the behaviour of their children. Then there is our super liberal court system. If one of these maniacs is brought before the bar of justice, chances are pretty good that they'll get a light tap on the wrist and be turned loose again to practice their evil. If you gave every player in the NBA and the NFL the same kind of legal treatment that everybody else gets, there would be a major drop in sports related crime. We desperately need to stop coddling these morons from day one. It starts at home and continues through their mostly useless lives.

My fishing buddy back in North Carolina reports that the fishing there is improving. If I can make a trip back there next summer, I'll have to check it out.