Friday, January 14, 2005

The people's court?

Well, the courts have done it again.. They have said that the federal sentencing guidelines for federal judges are NOT mandatory. That means that our left wing, limp dick federal judges can go back to handing out very light or NO sentences to federal criminals. The judges were originally handed this legislation when they were famous (or infamous) for lightly sentencing violent criminals in the vain hope that they could be "rehabilitated." Since congress enacted the federal guidelines, violent federal crime is down 54%. You can look for a large increase in federal crime in the near future if congress doesn't once again slap the judiciary down. Write to your congressman or senator or both. Let them know that we need tough penalties for these madmen and we have no confidence in our judges to impose them.

I can't believe it!! The left wing crazies are blaming George Bush for the tsunami. Remember last fall when they blamed him for the hurricanes? Remember the marine who went nuts and killed one cop and wounded another before being shot to death himself? That's right, the liberal idiots are blaming that on the President, too. One good thing that has happened on the federal scene is that, despite the best efforts of Barbara (the check bouncer) Boxer, senator from the communist state of California, George W. Bush was confirmed as having won the election and will be sworn in. What is the matter with these nuts? HEY NUTS....GET OVER IT!!!!! It won't be too long before the marxist morons are blaming the California mudslides on Bush. Look for it on a newscast coming soon.

Speaking of mudslides and such, the California coast has been hit hard by heavy rains. They have evacuated about 850 families that live downstream from one of the dams because they are afraid the dam will break and kill everyone. It could happen. The saddest part of these mudslides is that the fools whose homes have been destroyed, whose families have been killed or injured will spend the next year or so building right back where they were wiped out. Some people have asked, "how stupid can they get?" The answer is, we don't know 'cause we can't test them to full capacity.

Oh yeah, the Delano weather report: It sucks.

Soon, the worst time of the year will be upon us. Football season will be over. What will we do? Where will we go? They should start another football league that starts right now and winds up at the start of the NFL season. Sure, it would make some housewives mad, but so what? They don't buy the beer that fuels the ads that make the football machine run. I assume that all of you know that the proof that God loves us and wants us to happy is BEER.

No fishing report. Most of the nation, including the guys who live way, way inland could fish off their back porches if they weren't busy trying to save their butts. We hope this summer will be a lot better. Remember, it is your job to hunt down a global warming advocate and punch him/her in the nose.

Happy hunting!!!