Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Boo Hoo

Yes, I've been sulking for 2 days over the loss of the Colts to the wretched Patriots. What a debacle. I couldn't believe that the highest powered offense in NFL history could only score a paultry 3 points. Once again, if I were a betting man, I'd be living in a cardboard box by now.

One point of consolation is that the idiot who has been trying to keep the Bible out of the Presidential inauguration ceremony has lost his suit. Why doesn't someone have a real, hard heart to heart chat with that asshole? He is slowly but surely becoming the most hated man in the United States. I wonder how long this atheist moron will last?

Well, the weather honeymoon is over for the east. A buddy of mine in Maryland says it was a balmy 15 degrees today. HAHAHAHAHA. It was cool here today. About 60 degrees. It actually snowed in the L.A. mountains to the south of us. Anytime it snows between me and the equator, I am too far north. I keep thinking about Guam. I could stand an occassional typhoon if I didn't have to endure the cold.

So they have given up on the search for WMDs in Iraq. Ho Hum. All that means is that the Iraqis managed to get them over the border into Syria before they got their nuts knocked off. Anybody who thinks we would be better off with Sadam still at the controls is in urgent need of mental assistance. This war does another good thing in serving notice to the other miserable little weasel governments that the free ride is over. At least until another liberal becomes President. Then, it'll be right back to taking all their BS once again. I have long thought that it would be good policy to bitch-slap those would tweak our nose and cut off those who take our aid money and then spit on us. This is a tough world and it's time to get tough or die.

As I cruised majestically around the web, I found some really great property in the Philippines for very little money. Since the northern part of the Philippines is only 15 degrees north, it never gets cold there. I think that retirement living should be spent between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn. As long as you avoid the middle east, you'll be all right.

My grand daughter's second birthday comes up on the thirtieth of January. My oldest grandson is in high school. How the hell did all this happen so fast? It seems like only yesterday I was prowling the streets of Angeles City. In some ways, I still feel like I'm 25 with lots of pep and vigor. A brief look in the mirror reveals the sad truth. I'm having a hard time adjusting to the fact that its never coming back. Oh well